"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Says a distant low voice, but it boomed across the alley without effort. My abductor pulls away and I breathe out heavily, panting from the adrenalin pumping through my veins as a rush of relief surges through my body. I sneak a look to the man who saved me from potential death, mentally thanking him.
To my surprise he wasn't in the alley but crouched on the side of the wall with some sort of wire. He jumped down to the ground and I had a moment to study the mysterious figure. There's a two pointed mask covering his nose and eyes, revealing his mouth set in a firm line, as a long black cape drapes from his broad shoulders waving in the wind. Under his cape is a grey skin-tight jumpsuit showing off his toned muscles. He has yellow belt sitting on his waist containing all sorts of gadgets which I can't begin to explain, with the silhouette of a bat in the middle. A bat! Of cores Batman, Batman saving me!? Me of all people, I mean I do need someone to stop this guy but Batman? More relief and slight smugness fills me as I realise how much my abductor is going to regret trying to kiss me.
Bat man walks quite calmly over towards my abductor speeding up the closer he gets.
"No please...I...no" The coward stutters as he is stumbling backwards. Too late, I think to myself. Batman grabs my abductor by the higher part of his neck and carries him to the opposite side of the alley, pushing him up against the wall hard while he struggles against his tight grip. Batman drops him to his feet he then immediately goes into defense mode, cowering away from his stare. The Jerk throws the first hit, punching Batman in the stomach. With lighting quick reflexes Batman catches the second punch aimed to his face, by grabbing his hand and turning it round slowly making a crunch echo through the alley. The jerk cowers under the pain of his hand and wrist, making no attempt to stop him.
He lets go of my abductors hand and watches him fall to the floor leaving him withering. He then turns to me, suddenly fear spikes in my stomach at the sight of his deep blue eyes piercing through me. I notice my abductor stumbling away, so does Batman but he does nothing. His eyes are on me, he studies my body for injuries.
"Are you ok?" He asks emotionlessly looking back up at me, I just nod not being able to form words yet.
"Turn around" He said gruffly to me. I do as he says but my worrying thoughts come flooding back as fear spikes me again. I don't like not seeing him, watching his every move but with my back turned I have no idea what he's doing. I feel him mess around with the knots that tie my hands together, and they become loose. I relax as I realise that he's only untying me. Then my hands come loose enough for me to move. I turn around quickly so I could see his every move, I pull my hands to my chest instinctively protecting them from whatever my body thought was danger. I know he just saved my life but I still don't trust him.
He senses my guarded position and sadness flashes over his eyes before he quickly masks it over with the same emotionless one as before.
"Thanks" I say quietly still watching him closely. He gives me a nod and quickly scales the wall into the darkness, and he's gone as quickly as he came.