chapter 6

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Ian stared after Anthony with wide eyes. An innocent blush crept onto his cheeks making him gulp.

"Anthony wait!" he frowned not even knowing why he called him back. being the shy person he was he would usually just ignore the akwardness and try forget about it.

He watched as the teenager came jogging down the stairs without his shirt.

"'Sup?" Anthony asked with a grin, flicking his hair out his face. As soon as he noticed Ian's blush, he smirked even wider and chuckled, folding his arms.

When Ian stood still, not knowing what to say, Anthony tapped his foot impatiently. "Ian. what do You want!?"

Ian snapped back to reality and bit his lip nervously. "I need to talk to you about something. b-but first put on a shirt!" He rolled his eyes and looked at Anthony expectantly.

"Why..." Anthony said in a low seductive voice as he stepped closer to ian, only making him all the more uncomfortable. "is it....distracting for you?" he smirked and trailed a finger up Ian's arm, deepening the blush on his face.

"Yes it is." Ian whined and froze. "I-I mean not in that way I mean it's annoying to talk to like...uh someone without a shirt." he stammered trying to correct himself. "Now go!" he gave Anthony a small push in the direction of his shirt before sitting down on the couch.

"Jeez virgin....chill." Anthony rolled his eyes playfully as he put on his shirt and walked over to Ian who was now crimson with embarassment and fury.

"Stop calling me a virgin!" he scowled and glared at Anthony.

"But you are a virgin." Anthony chuckled annoyingly and sat down beside Ian.

"I-I'm not a virgin." Ian said stubbornly and looked down at his lap. He let out a loud yelp of surprise feeling the teenagers hand rubbing his thigh making tingles of pleasure run through him.

"Yes you are." Anthony hummed against Ian's ear making him tense up. He was too scared and shocked to say anything. since when were teenagers so scarey!?

Timidly, he pushed Anthony's hand off his leg. "D-don't touch me like that, Anthony." he whispered.

Their was silence between the two for a few seconds until Anthony grabbed Ian's crotch with a grin. The howl that escaped Ian's lips made Anthony smirk with satisfaction. "Oh you mean like this?"

Ian could only nod his head, unable to speak from arousal and nerves. he wriggled further away from Anthony with a whine of frustration. "Cut it out!" he blushed making Anthony laugh.

"I um...I.." Ian murmered under his breath, his heart speeding up and beating loudly so that anthony could almost hear it. "Why did you kiss me?"

Anthony stopped at the question and smiled at Ian. "Because your cute. and I like you." he winked.

Ian's head was swimming. how the hell was anthony so confident with saying something like that? he couldnt possibly like Anthony back...

"Um...o-okay." Ian gulped and stood up quickly too shy to say anything back. "I'm like 8 years older than you.." he looked at anthony with a chuckle.

Anthony stood up and pulled ian closer to him in one swift motion, their bodies pressed together. "I don't care." he grinned.

Ian looked up with wide eyes, hearing his head screaming at him to push anthony off him. He ignored the sirens and gave into his heart instead. "Y-you should." he blushed at the closeness.

"Well...I don't." Anthony smiled and leaned in biting his lip. "I know you like me." he winked.

"Jesus stop being so full of yourself. I don't like you!" Ian said defenssively. "I'm straight!"

Anthony raised an eyebrow. "oh? your sure about that? you seem a little confused..." He smirked seeing Ian stop at the words and actually consider them.

"No. I'm straight." he said, his voice unclear with uncertainty. his eyes flickered down to Anthony's lips as he tried to break out of Anthony's grasp.

"Well then. Think about it." Anthony winked and released ian before strolling back up the stairs.

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