Chapter 6

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  "K-Kate?!" I exclaim, my eyes widening as I look at my ex-best friend who is sitting on my bed. She smirks at me evilly and then stands up.
"I love your room, it's very colorful! Who painted it, a five year old?" She sneers, beckoning to the paintings that Xavier had created on my walls probably many years ago. I don't reply, just narrow my eyes and glare at her hateful face.
"Aw, still holding a grudge against me for Harrison I see! Well, we're over so no worries and no hard feelings, right?" She asked, smiling a familiar fake smile that I hate. I let out a breath and try not to let her see how much her words affected me.
"What do you want, Kate?" I ask, leaning against the door and crossing my arms over my chest. She shrugs as she picks up one of my sketch books off of the bookshelf and flipping through the pages wearing a bored expression on her face. "Who said that I wanted anything? Is it so wrong of me to visit and old friend?" She asks, looking up at me with mock-innocence on her face. She laughs and walks towards me.
"I just came to warn you to stay away from Jayden, he's mine." She says, looking like a crazy possessive psycho killer from a horror movie. I shrug casually.
"You don't own him," I say, keeping a blank expression on my face. She laughs again and then rips my sketch book in half.
"On the contrary, I do and if you lay one finger on him, you're dead meat. Got it Sabri?" She asks, dropping the remains of my destroyed drawings on the floor. Sabri, that was what my parents called me. A tear escapes my eyes and she pats my arm before leaving.
"By the way, Jayden was a cheater." She whispers in my ear before closing my door behind her. I sink to the floor and cry. Sabri... it brings back so many memories...
"Sabri, come here for a second!" Mom calls from the kitchen, sounding excited.
"Coming!"I call back, running and nearly tripping down the stairs.
"What's up?" I ask, leaning against the counter and looking at my parents who have on matching smiles as they hold out the phone to me. I raise my eyebrows at them and take the phone out of their hands.
"Hello?" I ask, pulling myself up onto the counter.
"Sabrina Davis?" A man's voice sounds form the other line.
"That's me, what's wrong?" I ask, picking at my nails nervously.
"You've been accepted into the School of the Arts, congratulations!" He says, and I nearly scream in excitement.
"Oh my God! Thank you so much!" I exclaim and then hang up after he says your welcome and some other details about my transferring into SOA. I jump off of the counter, scream, and then hug my parents.
I smile weakly, I had never gotten to actually attend the school since my parents died, but at least I know that I have what it takes, right? I cry a little while longer before going downstairs to see Kate and Felix making out. I close my eyes and try to keep myself in check. Stay calm Sabrina, she's just trying to get under your skin... I think as I walk past them and out the front door of the Robinson's household. I haven't had much of a chance to explore LA, so might as well start now. I take a deep breath, smile, and then start walking, trying not to freak out too much about my drawings being destroyed and Kate making out with Felix. I need a day off from life... hmmm sounds good enough to me. I walk down the sidewalk and all the way to the beach where I step into a little café. I have a little bit of money on me so I decide to get a cup of coffee and maybe a muffin. After I get my coffee and muffin, I leave the café and start to walk down the beach, happily nibbling on my blueberry muffin.
"Hey, you're new here." Someone says from behind me, and I turn around to see a girl looking at me curiously.
"Yeah," I reply, sipping my coffee and raising an eyebrow.
"You're Sabrina Davis, right? The Robinson boys have been talking about you at school and you look exactly like how they described you." She says with a warm smile. I blush and look at the ground.
"Yep, I'm Sabrina, you can call me Bri though. Did they really talk about me?" I ask, looking back up at the girl. She nodded vigorously.
"They wouldn't shut-up about how hot you are. My names Jasmine, Jazz for short." She said, holding her hand out. I smile and take it.
"Nice to meet you!" I say. Jazz and I end up hanging out and heading back to the Robinson's house.
"So, why haven't you been at school?" She asks as I lead her up the stairs and into my room.
"I have yet to be enrolled," I reply with a sigh. Jazz nods, I told her about my parents earlier and she seemed like she sincerely cared.
"So, how are you coping with the craziness of Robinson?" She asks, smirking at me as she closes the door behind her and plops onto my bed.
"Eh, I don't know how I'm going to survive, and it doesn't help that my worst enemy and ex-bestie is here and making out with Felix. She likes to rub things in my face, especially when it comes to boys." I explain, picking up the remains of my sketch book that Kate had thrown onto the floor earlier today. Jazz scowls.
"So, why aren't you two friends anymore?" She asks, leaning against the backboard of my bed.
"My ex Harrison was cheating on me with her and he chose her and she rubbed it all in my face and acted like she won the lottery." I reply, making a face as I think of Harrison cheating on me with her.
"And she's here why exactly?" I shrug. "Who knows, she thinks she owns my current boyfriend and says that he's a cheater too, but I don't believe her so... yeah. It's her personal goal in life to torture me." I reply, tossing my old sketches into the trash and then taking out a new sketch book to start fresh.
"Skank," Jazz sings as I sit down next to her. I chuckle and then start to draw.
"What'cha doing?" She asks, looking over my shoulder at my art.
"Ooohhhhh! It's beautiful!" She says, clapping her hands as I finish shading it and then tear it out of the book and hand it to her.
"Keep it," I say as she examines the picture of a rose. She smiles warmly at me, hugs me, gives me her number, and then leaves with a happy goodbye. Kate smirks at me when I pass her in the hallway when she's flirting with a bewildered looking Xavier. I scowl at her, give her the happy finger, grab Xavier's hand, and then drag him away from her and into his room. He breathes out a sigh of relief.
"God, I thought that she would never stop!" He groans, sliding down to the floor and then resting his head on my shoulder. I pat his head comfortingly.
"Stay away from her please." I beg, looking up at him. He looks at me curiously.
"Why?" He asks and I bite my lip before telling him what she did to me and explaining that I have no idea why she's even here.
"I'll make sure to keep my distance," he says, giving me a side hug before shoving me out of his room with a hasty goodbye. I roll my eyes and then walk into my room to listen to music and draw.  

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