I'm 4 months pregnant finally getting in maternity clothes. CeCe is planning our baby gender reveal party. I want a girl but a boy would be cool. My mom and dad know and my sister they are flying out to see what the baby is. Nick family is here also. I haven't seen them since Nick's dad funeral. His mom gave me a hug we are kinda friends now. Reagan was here as my friend so was Sam and all the guys I used to date after Nick and I broke up and before Nick and I got together the first time. Nick bar employees were there. So was Coach and May and Winston and Aly. Schmidt was there too well he's married to my best friend. I see Nick he kissed me hello we were in my room. He saw my outfit. "You look stunning gorgeous I hope our kid is like you." He says. "Me too, I hope he or she is less like you not to be mean babe but it's true your a lot of work." I say, he smiles and kisses me. He promised not to drink alcohol in front of me I can't drink it because I'm pregnant. A board with who thinks what the gender is there is at least 10 girl and 12 boy. We went outside we were going to hit a piñata. Nick went first. He hit very hard but no luck of breaking it. Other people went second I was sitting down Abby sits by me. "I honestly think your having a boy Jess." She says. "I kinda think so too." I say. Someone finally broke the piñata it was my dad. Blue confetti came out. "It's a boy!" Nick says. I smiled Nick and I are having a son. CeCe gave me and Nick the sonogram back.
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"What's his name going to be?" Schmidt says. "We will have to talk that out. Any suggestions?" I say. Abby wrote the names, Maverick, Levi, Jackson, Kyle, and William. "I know his name Nick only if you agree?" I say. Okay shoot!" He says. "Levi Sean." I say. "I love it Jess. How about not Sean but Jackson instead." He says. I smiled. "Levi Jackson Miller is coming in 5 months." I say I kissed Nick tenderly. Nick goes on one knee. "I wanted to do this before anybody left. I love you Jess. I really do i fell in love with you when you first walked in that loft door. Your my best friend. Will you Jessica Day do the honor and become my wife?" He says. I was crying. "Yes of course I will Nick." I say he slides the ring on my finger. I kissed my fiancée. I'm going to be Mrs. Nick Miller. We decided we would get married after the baby is born a month or two after. I'm due in February. "Hey babe. How about April 4th." I say. "That's a great day or in May 4th?" He asks. "April I can't wait another month after he is born." I say. "Please he will be closer to three months old." He says. "Fine May 5th cinco day mayo day." I say. "Okay that's great! I love you baby." I say. "We will start wedding shopping you will have to save a lot of money." CeCe says. "Your dad and I will help out." My mom says. Nick mom says she will help out. My dad gives me a hug. He put his hands on my belly kissed my belly. "Your carrying our first grandson." He says. I looked at Nick I could tell he excited to have a son. "Well technically Winston and Coach and Schmidt are going to be Levi uncles." Nick says. "CeCe is going to be Levi godmother and Schmidt can be the god father." I say. "Jess really you trust us with your guys baby?" CeCe says. "You two are our friends and of course we do." I say she gives me a hug. "As his godmother I'm going to spoil him rotten. Plus I'm throwing you a baby shower." She says. CeCe is the best! Nick and I were in my room. I was tired from the party he comes in and lays with me. "We are having a son Jess. I'm freaking out babe." Nick says. "I'm freaking out too you freaking purposed to me Nick I'm so excited to be your Wife that means I can kick your butt and boss you around." I say. "Your already do your good at it." He says plants a kiss on my lips went down to my stomach and kissed my belly. "Love you see you in the morning." He says. "Love you too!" I say.