I'm 39 weeks pregnant I have one more week until he comes he could come any day. I was home alone I felt a sharp pain. I called Sadie I told her I had a sharp pain. "Jess I think your going into labor I'm on my way." She says. I texted CeCe to tell Nick I'm going into labor. The pool thing was already blown up just in case this happen but no water yet. Sadie brought a thing to hook up our sink faucet and she put the hose in the pool blow up. CeCe comes so does Nick. Winston and Aly and coach and may and Schmidt was here. I had Nick tell mine and his parents the baby is coming. I felt him coming Down the canal. Sadie layed me Down she told me to take off my pants and underwear. She checks me. "Your a great 7 centimeters you only have to get to 10 for him to get out." She says. "I hate seeing you in pain baby." He says. Reagan came in. The water was finally filled up. She puts me in the pool. I felt a little bit more relaxed. I started to do more breathing excerises that CeCe went with me for support. Nick was panicking I put Winston and Coach and Schmidt on Nick watch. Reagan was also helping me. Sadie told me I can start pushing she made me spread my feet. I bare my head on my chest took a deep breath it felt like forever Sadie was counting down from to ten so I can take breaths. "That was a great push." Sadie says. I did another one I felt his head coming out it felt like a burn.she told me to stop for a bit and take another breath his head finally pops out. Reagan was holding the flashlight. Aly was holding the mirror I could see him he coming out. I took a deep breath I push his shoulders out. I took another one he finally came all the way out. Sadie brought him to me she put him on my chest. "He was born at 5:45pm on February 16th." She says. She cleans out his mouth and his nose he started to cry. "Nick he's here." I yelled softly. He comes he had to cut the cord. He saw our son. He was perfect. He kissed me.
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Sadie took him away she finished me up . Nick helped me out he took me to the shower he helped me shower because I was sore. He went to grab me some pajamas and etc. After I was dressed I went in my room. "I'll bring him in for you." He says. I kissed him. "God I love him." I say. After 5 mins he brought me Levi he was all wrapped up swaddled up. "He healthy." He says. "Both us or healthy, and he is perfect." I say. Another nurse came she coming to help us to learn how to take care of him. I decide I was going to breast feed in the day but at night Nick will do all the feedings and diaper changes. She helped me get him latched on my boob. She taught nick how to do a bottle CeCe and Schmidt want us to move in with them. CeCe is coming to help us out with him. "Hun, how about we buy the loft?" I asked. I really didn't want to leave the loft. "Okay I'll ask the landlord if he is willing to sell it to us." He says.