2- Wedding

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Niall's hand couldn't stop shaking. He had attempted to trim his nails, but the shaky hand had caused him to cut it too short. There wasn't a lot of blood luckily, so Niall just pressed his fingertip into a tissue to stop the bleeding. He got up from his seat at the toilet and walked to the sink. He looked up at the mirror.

This was it. This was the day that everything was going to happen.

He had been waiting so long for this.

There was a knock at the door that brought him back to the day at hand. He threw the tissue out in the trash can since the bleeding had stopped, and he opened the door.

Liam stood there with a big smile on his face. "How's the groom doing?"

Niall shook his head and walked past him into the hotel room. "I'm scared, Li."

"Over what?" Liam turned and followed Niall. They sat down on the edge of the queen bed. "She loves you. She always has. She always will. Things will for sure change between you two."

Niall bent over and covered his face with his hands. His mind was trapped in the thought of change. Their relationship was perfect before, but what could it turn into? Would she start to hate the way that Niall ate most of the ingredients while she was cooking? Would they have problems when deciding on what to do about making a family?

"I don't want us to change," Niall finally admitted as he looked back up at Liam. "We are so good together. What if we lose that?"

"Look at Louis and Harry," Liam explained to calm Niall down. "They've had their ups and downs before and after marriage, but they're happy because they love each other. They don't run away from each other when they fight like they used to. They sit there and figure it out because they're a family. A family is going to do its best to stick together, and Niall?"

Niall felt a little bit more hopeful. "Yeah?"

"I just came from her room to check on her," Liam informed the groom," and she looks absolutely breathtaking."


"She told me to come to her room," Olivia attempted to explain to Harry as she held his hand and dragged him to the elevator. Louis had headed to the groom's room to check on Niall while Harry and Olivia were supposed to find seats. Olivia had other plans.

"When did she tell you that?" Harry asked as his daughter pressed the button to go up to the fourth floor. "How do you know what floor?"

Olivia looked up at him. "I can neither confirm nor deny without the approval of my secretary."

Harry rolled his eyes at her reference. "I'm starting to regret that Mission: Impossible marathon."

"I don't!" Olivia yelled before the elevator door opened up to the fourth floor. She let go of her dad's hand before walking down the hallway ahead of him. He reluctantly followed behind. She went right up to room 426 and knocked a very specific pattern as if she was using a secret code to get in. The door opened, but the door chain limited the opening to only a couple inches.

"What do you call a fake noodle?" a feminine voice asked from the other side of the door.

"An impasta," Olivia yelled excitedly right before the door opened to reveal a beautiful woman in a beautiful white dress.

"I have trained you well," Cheyenne said before she squatted down to embrace Olivia in a big hug. "You look absolutely beautiful, Liv."

Olivia blushed. "I look great because you have awesome taste."

"You look absolutely stunning, Cheyenne," Harry added on. He stepped past his daughter to embrace his old friend in an embrace. Neither of them ever thought that they would be here. Ten years ago, Harry could have never imagined holding the hand of his daughter that he was raising with the love of his life as they went to one of his dearest friend's wedding. Everyone grows up. Everyone changes, but people are right when they say that life gets better. 

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