8- Adam's Parents

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The Story So Far:

Adam (Olivia's friend) was getting bullied at school, and in the process of intervening, Olivia got hit. Cheyenne is pregnant and married to Niall. Harry got an offer for a job in London and just told Louis.

"Do you want me to drop off Olivia at Adam's or do you want to come?" Harry shouted from the foyer as he slipped on his low ride heeled boots. Louis sat leaning against the counter scrolling through his phone. He looked up and made eye contact with Harry.

"I'll stay."

That was the first full sentence Louis had spoken in a while. That was also the first time in a while he made eye contact with Harry. Harry tried to ignore the sting in his heart as he stretched his back, stiff from sleeping on the couch for four nights.

"Liv, let's go!" Harry yelled loud enough for Olivia to hear from upstairs. She ran down the stairs with her blue duffel bag and a pillow. Louis and Harry decided to let her have sleepovers with Adam as long as it was okay with Adam's parents. They were too young to actually do anything bad, and it gave a perfect excuse for Harry to go over and ask Adam's dad some questions.

They hopped in the car, and Harry started following the GPS instructions. He turned on the radio, but Olivia unbuckled and leaned forward from the backseat to turn down the radio.

"Sweetie, keep your seat belt on," Harry scolded her, nervous about getting in an accident on an empty suburban street at 7 pm.

"Why is Dad so mad at you?" Olivia asked straight off the bat with no hesitation. Apparently, the tension in the house was noticeable.

"He's not that mad at me," Harry tried to pretend the situation wasn't bad.

"You're sleeping on the couch. That happens in movies when couples are in fights," Olivia explained to Harry, leaving him unable to escape the question.

"I applied for a new job without telling Dad," Harry replied.

"Take a right on Elm Street," Siri instructed. Harry stopped at the sign and then took a right.

"Why didn't you tell Dad?" Olivia asked. She leaned forward as far as she could to be closer to Harry.

"Well, I really didn't think I would get the job. I didn't want to worry either of you with it in case it didn't even happen."

"But it happened," Olivia confirmed.

"But it did," Harry agreed with a sigh.

"Now what? Are we moving? Am I gonna have to go to a new school?" Olivia asked, her voice getting more and more worried.

"What? No, no, you're not moving, Liv," Harry reassured her.

"So you're not going to take the job?" Olivia continued her interrogation.

"Well, I'm not sure yet."

"Is it your dream job, Dad?" Olivia wondered.


"Well, I want to be an astronaut when I grow up. That's my dream job. Or to be in a rock band. Either work. Everyone has a dream job. Is this yours?"

Harry glanced in the rearview mirror at his daughter. "Yes, it is."

"Then I think you should consider taking it," Olivia commented before leaning back and looking out the window. "It won't be the worst thing to move if I can take Adam with me."

Harry laughed. "We'll see about that."


Adam's house blended in with the other two-story white houses on the block. Olivia pointed out the basketball hoop, and Harry pulled into the driveway. Olivia jumped out of the car and ran right to the front door. She opened it without knocking and went in.

"Olivia!" Harry called after as he scrambled to get out. He locked the car as he nearly tripped on his own legs trying to keep up with her. The door was already open, so Harry carefully walked in and looked around for the host.

Harry briefly saw Olivia and Adam run past before he heard a voice yell, "Don't slip! I just mopped the floors!"

Her brown roots faded into blonde and matched her smiley face. Her headband was a bandana, and she looked the part of a mother who had a long day of cleaning.

"You must be one of Olivia's dads! We've been meaning to meet you guys since Adam is constantly talking about her." She shook Harry's hand. "I'm Cherry. Like the fruit."

"I'm Harry. Like an old man's back," Harry replied with a chuckle at his own joke. Luckily, Cherry laughed along.

"Nice to meet you, Harry. Want to come in for a drink? I could use a break and my husband should be finishing up on his phonecall meeting," Cherry invited Harry in. He followed her down a hallway to a large kitchen with white cabinets and white marble.

"Lovely home you have," Harry complimented.

"Aw thank you. We would love to have you and your husband over sometime for dinner," Cherry added as she sat down at the dining room table next to the kitchen. Harry followed.

"That would be lovely," Harry replied with a smile, pretending that things aren't so tense at home that eating out with another couple would be plausible.

"Sorry, love. The meeting ran a little late-" Cherry's husband started saying as he left the study before I saw the man sitting at his dining room table. "You must be one of Olivia's dads! So good to meet you!"

Harry stood up, expecting a handshake. Much to Harry's surprise, Adam's dad went in for a hug.

"Oof, oh hi, I'm Harry," he introduced himself as he was finally released. "I like all the tats."

Similarly to Harry, this man had tattoos crawling down his arms. Harry even saw a little bit peeking out from his v-neck.

"Yours too. I actually have my own needle." He showed his left forearm. "Adam actually did this little Lego head himself. Little artist we've got in the house."

"My husband, Louis, is actually a painter. Maybe he could take Adam to his studio sometime and teach him some tricks," Harry said. "And I'm sorry. I didn't get your name yet."

"Oh, I am so sorry. My name is Edward. Everyone calls me Ed."


Long time no see! Or read. Thanks to quarantine and having to leave college, I am home with too much free time. Life updates: I am majoring in psychology with minors in film production and creative writing. I am now living at home now due to covid-19. In terms of love life, I fell in love with my best friend. We just had our one year two months ago. I've always been open about my mental health with you guys. I have been doing really well. This quarantine gives me my moments, but I am doing so much better thanks to finding the right medicines for me and regular therapy. Feel free to comment some updates from you guys and how quarantine is going for all of you.

I also want you to know that I updated this because I have so much free time now, but mainly because I really missed my readers. I love you guys.

Follow me on Instagram for more updates at claire.g8

All the love,


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