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Lena's POV

                      Scared. Terrified. I'm shivering with dread, but I'm....happy. It's a surprising feeling given the circumstances; but in the honor of new beginnings after troubling times, I think its finally time to tell. I'm Gay.

                     Through thick and thin kara has been by my side, so I figure it would be most fit to tell her first. She is also gay; which in my eyes makes more qualified for the "job". I have asked her on a lunch date in order to break the news. She should be here any minute, so here I stand in front of the National City Park cafe. 

                      I see Kara staring at me from across the street. I don't know what possesses me to run through traffic to her but I do, almost tackling her with a hug. We seperate and I take her hand in mine and we run back to the cafe. We sit down in our spots, and i eagarly wait for her to notice the small buisiness card on the plate. 

                    Instead of looking at her plate, she takes a look around the park. As the sun hits her glasses her blue eyes glow. I have never noticed this before but Kara is very attractive. Finally she notices the card resting aginst her plate. Kara picks it up, flips it over, and reads the glossy text on the back. Kara's eyes widen and look up at me. "Lena...oh my god" she says with complete surprise. Before I know it we're hugging tighter and closer than ever before. We seperate and continue with lunch, but for a split second we stare at eachother...with love....what kind? I don't know yet.

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