▪ Chapter One ▪

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imagine if I wasn't such a coward and I had the courage hidden somewhere in my heart to look you in the eye.

: ▪ : ▪ : ▪ :

Bas blinked a few times, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands softly. He was cold, so he snuggled a little further on his blanket. His room was already filled with light, and through his tiredly, half-open eyelids he could see Cop's sleeping form in the other bed.

They had stayed up late last night, just talking and watching films, so it was probably noon already. He slowly looked at his watch, his blurry vision trying to focus on the numbers. It read 'ten past eleven'. He groaned, letting his arm fall hardly on the mattress. Bas hated waking up this late, it always felt as if he had wasted his morning, which he had.

He sat up and stretched, some of his joints cracking. Cop would surely want to sleep until noon at least, as he always did, so he didn't bother waking him up. He always tended to do that, so Bas was not expecting anything different this morning.

After going to the bathroom, he moved to the kitchen to have some late breakfast, since it was the best meal of the day and there was no way he was missing it. He made myself some coffee and toasts, his mouth watering just by the smell of them. He decided he would put peach jam on his toast today, instead of butter, so he took it out of the fridge and went to take a seat at the table.

Everything was quiet, the only sound coming from his chewing. Bas loved lazy mornings, when he could just sit and eat and do nothing at all. Most people would wonder why he liked waking up early just to do nothing, but he loved it, because it was a time when he was not expected to be doing anything, when he could actually relax without having to think about someone telling him he had to do this and that, when he could rest without feeling guilty about it. During the day, someone always expected him to be somewhere, or to be doing something in particular, or to just 'not be wasting his time', so he praised these lazy mornings like crazy. It was his 'escape time'.

Still chewing, he grabbed his phone, that had been lying on the table. he opened Instagram, scrolling down his feed, and opening a few stories; he was always too lazy to watch everyone's stories, and besides, there were people who uploaded more than seven all together, and Bas couldn't help but wonder how did they manage to find so much free time, and how did they have so much interesting stuff to do that was worth uploading. He moved to facebook, which he rarely used, but still felt the need to check up on; nothing interesting came up, just some random game invitations.
He went back to Instagram, and as he was looking at some posts, a notification arrived.

God Itthipat wants to follow you.


He refreshed the page, so he could be sure it wasn't a mistake, but no, he had definitely sent him a friend request.

His heart immediately started beating faster. This was weird, very weird actually, since God and Bas hadn't talked to each other since they were kids, and the former had barely aknowledged Bas in highschool, always hanging out with other people, but not with him anymore. Sure, they weren't in school anymore, and college was different, but they didn't even go to the same college or studied the same career. So, why was he following him all of a sudden? Bas hadn't seen the guy in years.

He knew he was freaking out a little bit, and there was no reason for it, but he couldn't help it. It just kind of happened whenever someone made some type of interaction with him. It seemed dumb, Bas was highly aware or that, yet it was beyond his capabilties. He was and always would be a socially awkward boy who went red whenever another human being as much as blinked his way.

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