We Finish Each Others Pie

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It was a typical day at the compound, birds were chirping, demons were frolicking, and the boys were bored to death because they had no leads on any recent activities. A song from Frozen drifted into the research room as Sam watched Dean pace the floor anxiously, "Why do you keep eyeing me like that?"

The song belted higher "We finish each other's-!"



"Give me your damn pie, Sam!" Dean growls as he stomps over to Sam, his brother grabs his slab of pie as Dean narrows in on him but it's too late, Dean has set his sights on it.

"Dean-! Dean, no!" The two struggle over it watching the filling jiggle slightly with each tug, "This is my pie. This is my pie, Dean!"

"This your pie, Sammy? This your pie?" Dean glares at him before leaning down and licking all across the top of the pie. Sam drops the plate disgusted, "Is it your pie now Sam?" He shoves the plate in his brother's face only to see him recoil disgustedly, "You want it? No? Good., 'cause it's my pie."

"You're a di**, Dean."

"I love you too Sammy," he called over his shoulder as he plopped himself on the couch next to Cas, "Did the snowman show up yet?"

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