Well I mean....it's not the worst way to go...
Age: 20
DOB: October 23rd (yes Jade and Yao are twins)
Nicknames/ Stage Names: Jay, Jadie
Natural Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Food: B e e f R o l l s
Favorite Color: Navy Blue
Personality: touchy, more energetic than she should be, overprotective
Sexuality: Straight
Likes: writing songs, singing, producing, making people cry (idk why)
Dislikes: not much of anything really....just caterpillars
BF/ Spouse/ Baby Daddy: (boyfriend) M y e o n g (Kawaii_Jkookie )
Children: Leehun, Hayley
Height: 5'0"
Nationality: Chinese
~Fun Fact~
Her mother says that Yao was supposed to come out first, but Jade pushed him back last minute. Jade takes that as an explanation for why Yao is the way that he is. (mean and inconsiderate)