Takitae Yoon

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....I'll just...go clean....my...ceiling *leaves*
Age: 24

DOB: January 27th

Place of Birth: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Nicknames/ Stage Names: Taki, Spicy Nacho

Natural Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Favorite Food: totally not healthy stuff

Favorite Color: brue

Personality: sweet, but will buss you up in 2.5 seconds if you come at him wrong

Sexuality: Straight

Likes: singing, playing the violin, playing the piano, playing the sax, playing the viola, AND playing the acoustic guitar

Dislikes: being the center of attention, being called ugly (cuz he is DEFINITELY not), bugs

Talents: Languages (he speaks 13 languages fluently, and one language [English] not fluently, but he speaks it), Instruments (he plays 7 but he only likes playing the ones listed above)

GF/Spouse/Baby Momma: (wife) Bell (Kawaii_Jkookie )

Children: Iris

Height: 6'0"

Nationality: Korean

~Fun Fact~
Taki was born in Amsterdam because his family took a trip there when he was only a 7 month old fetus inside his mum. His father persuaded the family to stay because he found good work there, and Taki was born in that time period. They left Amsterdam when he was only 2, and they moved to the Philippines. They stayed there for about a year, and then they moved to Busan. After Busan, they jumped to China and then to Seoul where they stayed permanently.

Not to anyone's surprise....Taki shares no delight in moving again.

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