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Hello I'm so sorry for not updating soon but I had a lot of things to do. I went to Mexico to see my grandpa, helped my mom at work, and register for school. Things got more worse my grandpa died but I'll be fine and I'll try to update more often. I did finish on this put the. There was something wrong with my network so my phone wouldn't let me publish it and the. I found out it got deleted so I had to redo everything all over again.
I'm trying to update I'm really am. I had it but then it got deleted and I have to start all over again, it was a long story too. I made it special. So please be patient. I'm doing the updating now.  I might be finish today or tomorrow or Monday since I don't have school but like I said it's going to be long. I appreciate to my readers who really enjoy my books and for voting and to comment on it thank you all so much.

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