I'm kinda uneasy to answer this question from Doyoulovemehhh

SHE  asked "Which of the toms love me?" I'll stick with the normal like

Mila: Well, you seem well nice, but I'm taken and after my future mate...sorry...*Hides face*

Karma: Um wellll, i don't seem nice, you may have a chance...but I'm after another she...though I might get rejected ;-; *Whimpers*

Tisya: Um...I'm after my love also...

Nexx: ....

Garroth: UM! I DON'T LIKE ANYCAT! SHE! maybe I do...BUT NO I DONT LIKE ANYCAT! 0///0

X: ...I'll be lonely.

Wither: With my bro.

Kaka: Ill accept any pretty shes for me~   (Kaka ya gotta stawp)

Peai: Only the dark dragon.

Boozo:Chibi is my cim bun!

Chibi: Maybe, but I got a cim bun! *Hugs Boozo*

Biscuit: Im a dog! But I can accept you.

Me: Okk, seems like a dog and Kaka, Kaka goes after any she tho, theres your answer! ;3 Cya kitties

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