•Chapter 1•

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             You walked into the classroom, nervously, looking down at the floor, as always. You heard a few whispers and questions, but didn't look up. Your new teacher smiled and put her hand on your shoulder, reassuringly. "You're fine, my child." She whispered to you. She then turned to the class. "Class, settle down! We've got a new student today."

You then lifted your head for the first time since you'd entered the room and waved, smiling weakly. "My children, this is (y/n)." Your teacher went on. "This is her first year at and actuall school, so lets make it count, shall we?" She said to the whole class.

You heard a voice from the back of the classroom. "Seems like a nerd!" The voice exclaimed, tauntingly, then snorted. You then saw that the voice had come from a kid, about your age, with short hair and a green sweater. You couldn't tell whether they were male or female. Your teacher shot them a warning glance. "Now now, Chara. Let's not do this today, please?" She pleaded, calmly. The kid rolled their eyes, but stayed quiet.

               Your teacher, a tall goat-woman she was, guided you over to a seat, which was, of course, right next to Chara. In front of you was another kid, with darker skin, equally short hair, and closed eyes. You had heard of them. They were Frisk-the human that freed all of the monsters from the underground.

               They turned around in their seat and smiled at you. You smiled back.

               Class was as normal as can be, considering this was a new school and all, and it was pretty fun for you. As class was dismissed and you were getting ready to go to lunch, however, someone stopped you on your way out.

               It was Chara. They leaned on the locker next to yours and smiled creepily at you. "So, uh, you're the new girl, huh?" They asked, casually. You nodded in response. "Don't talk much, I see." They pointed out. You noticed they had awfully long nails, painted blood-red.

               They must have noticed you staring at their hands, for they held one up and posed it in front of your face. "Like the color?" They asked. "It's like the blood of my enemies." You just stared at them for a moment, then chuckled.

                Frisk then ran up to you and Chara, urgently. "Chara, don't scare her!" They yelled, finally reaching you.

                  Chara rolled their eyes. "Aw, come on, Frisk! I'm just having a 'lil fun!" They complained.

               Frisk turned to you. "Don't pay attention to Chara. They're just tryna scare you." They told you.

                You chuckled again. "It didn't work." You pointed out, putting your last book in your locker.

              Chara gasped and held their chest, dramatically, as if you hurt them physically. "Ow, new girl! That hurt!"

               You and Frisk laughed at Chara's dramaticness. "Hey, (y/n)!" Frisk said. "Wanna come eat with us at lunch?"

              You nodded, happily.

              Maybe being the new girl wasn't going to be so bad...

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