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❝ I love you ❞

- 尉遠 -


Seokjin unwrapped the transparent plastic covers that secured the meat with a clean cut of his cleaver. Parchment paper bags crinkled as the red loaf rolled over a wooden board for the man to work on, white strings of rope tied around the lump of fat being undone bit by bit. He traced a line, ever so sharply, following the faint scars embedding drops of blood in its trail. With a final shave of the blade, a thin paper-like slice of beef plopped down on the white ceramic - presenting him with a beautiful plate of freshly cut meat, somehow forming bouquet-like roses. It was something worth admiring, how the stacks of flesh were neatly layered on top of the other, forming some sort of fountain perching majestically - Seokjin couldn't help but bask in it's pulchritude view. He smiled in content of his work, yet again so filled with pride.


Almost slipping his grip on the metal shaft, Seokjin breathed out curses under his breath as he threw his glare back and was met with Yoongi's, dazed and tranced as if just woken up from an abyss of slumber - a fact Seokjin was willing to confirm.

"What the fuck, Yoongi. I could've cut myself."

Undeterred with the older's scolding, Yoongi waltzed groggily into the kitchen and halted by the counter tops, just beside the taller man. He snaked a hand under Seokjin's sweater and hummed out a pleasant sigh through his nose as he placed chaste butterflies over those broad shoulders, the tip of his fingers circling his lover's sore muscles in hopes of soothing the tense skin, "I'm sorry. But you look like you were enjoying it, cutting up meat so passionate like that. It almost made me jealous," the shorter chuckled amusingly. A second hand went up to placate Seokjin's chest with gentle touches, motioning a slow pattern to help relax the latter.

Undoubtedly, the little scare had brought Seokjin's pulse to a storming heartbeat, the older clearly seemed annoyed by the sudden intervention nevertheless kept his quiet.

Yoongi had meant to come off as a tease with the statement, solely intending to play it as a joke but he'd certainly didn't expect the remark Seokjin had uttered out next - voice low and rasp with an obvious hint of grief.

"Well, you didn't like it when I cut myself."

During the next few seconds that passed, only the piercing sounds of knife running over knife - Seokjin sharpening the roughing edges of the blades, shrilled across the room.

Yoongi held his breath. His eyes stilled.

And then he suddenly remembered again.

Particularly, how Seokjin had came home that day, hard-stare and in fits of emotional mess. How Yoongi had went to greet his beloved on the front porch, merely doing his duties as the dear, loving husband that he was. How his "darling Jinnie" had suddenly stormed off through the halls and fumbled words that barely made sense - fingers trembling as the frantic situation turned into a more chaotic case when the elder had finally snapped. He'd went for the drawers and pulled out one of his treasured blade; a shiny trinket helding more than just a dull glint at first glance.

Cut. ⇿ YoonJinWhere stories live. Discover now