A guilty father

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"Does he know about the baby?"

Recently, I felt as if I was in a dream. I decided to go out with my friends clubbing. When we were there, my bias group, B.I.G where also there. I was nervous, but I worked up the courage to go and dance with my Bias, Heedo. About an hour in and I was grinding on him, his hands touching me in places that made my stomach flutter. Before I knew what happened, we were back at my place, in bed together. Most of the night was a blur as we were both intoxicated but I remember how passionate the night was.

Heedo knew where all the right places were, and how to cause reactions. When morning came though, Heedo didn't say for breakfast. We did exchange numbers in case we wanted to do it again, but it had to be kept secret.

It was very secretive, Heedo came over at least once a week. It was going smoothly until a month in, I started to fall for him - hard. I decided it was unfair on me to have to keep my feelings and unfair on him to keep sleeping with someone who he assumed held the mutual understanding of no feelings.

When I told Heedo about my feelings for him, he called it off. He asked me to delete his number and not to mention this to others. I wasn't a crazy fan, so of course I agreed. When he left, I called my friend over.

"He left, (friends name), he doesn't want anything to do with me."

"Well, we can't say that we didn't expect this. I mean, he is an idol, he's not really allowed relationships. It's like an unwritten law. But, I have to ask. Does he know?"

"Know what?"

"(First name)! Does he know about the baby?"

"...No, I didn't tell him and that's how I plan to keep it. I don't want to ruin his career."

"Okay, if that's how you feel."

(Friends name) stayed and comforted me the whole night as I cried on her shoulder.

7 months had passed since that ordeal and my stomach had puffed out, being due in a month. I had prepared everything for my baby boy, my life was rocky but I knew I would do anything for my little miracle.

While I was out looking for some more baby bottles, I saw Heedo out shopping as well. I tried to avoid him before he saw me, but we made eye contact before I could slip out of his view. He walked to me. His steps seemed to be in slow motion as his long legs carried him to me. Even though he looked in slow motion, he reached me in a matter of seconds.


He was awkward and seeing his eyes gaze down at my stomach, I could understand why.

"Ah, hi. It's been a while."

"...Yeah. So how long until?"

He gestured to my stomach and I hesitated a little.

"A month until he's due."

"Is... is he mi-"

He cut himself off before he could finish, almost afraid of the answer. I slowly nod my head shyly before looking up at him. He seemed to go a little pale.

"It-it's okay! I don't expect you to take responsibility for this. I've sorted everything out to be a single mum and I won't tell anyone it's yours."

He seemed shocked at my words at first, and then his face contorted to something a little more angry.

"You didn't think I deserved to know that I would be a father? That I had a child?"

"Heedo, you asked me to delete your number."

My voice was soft compared to his rising one. His face softened after he heard what I said. I watched as he switched through emotions for angry, to upset, to guilt.

"I have to go now Heedo. Goodbye."

He stopped me by grabbing my wrist and whispering a soft 'wait'.

"I know that I said to delete my number but, that was before I knew. I'm sorry, I can't return your feelings and I probably never will be able to but I want to still see my child."

"Heedo, I'm sorry but you either have both of us or neither of us."

"I'm sorry, tell my son that I'm sorry. I really am, but I'm in love with my girlfriend. I'm out shopping for her engagement ring."

"I understand Heedo."

With that, I turned and left, a single tear slipping down my cheek. This is what he chose and I'm willing to accept that.

When the baby was born, he held almost all of Heedo's features. It saddened me to see him. I loved my baby boy but I don't think I could spend the rest of my life looking at what was possible the saddest memory of my life. Instead, I called (friends name) and had it arranged.

Ever baby thing that I had bought and the baby was delivered to Heedo's house while I boarded a plane to another country. I left my baby boy a note with an apology.

Friends P.O.V
When I knocked on Heedo's door, a girl answered. She looked concerned before getting Heedo. He seemed to recognise me, probably from (First name) showing pictures. He saw the baby and he started tearing up.

"(First name) said that she wanted you to have the baby, he looks like you too much and it saddened her. I hope you're happy, Heedo."

"You have a child?!?"

The new girlfriend seemed angry at Heedo. I swiftly looked behind to see her face so angry it almost looked red. She took off the ring on her left ring finger before shoving it as Heedo.

"Why don't you go marry your baby's mum!"

With that she left, but Heedo seemed to immersed in his baby boy.

"Where did (First name) go? Maybe she was right, maybe I should marry (First name) and we can raise this baby together. I could learn to love her and we could be a happy family."

"Heedo, as (First name) would say, that's wishful thinking, you're just in shock. Also, (First name) is long gone, I don't think she'll come back for anyone. I'm sorry, but you lost her when you mention your new engagement. Good luck being a father. I'll give you my number in case you need help with the baby, but please refrain from abusing it. Goodbye, from (First name) and I."

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