Ender Clan Returns

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Seto POV

I felt myself fall into someone's arms. I was to weak to wake myself up, but I need to wake up before I witness horrid events again.

"Seto. We will come soon." A mysterious voice whispered to me.

"Why do you want me?!"

"Who said we wanted just you?" They chuckled. I can't tell if it's a girl or a boy. It sounded like multiple voices at once.

"What do you mean?"

"We have come for your friend. "


"It appears Master EnderShroud has found the soul of Pendragon inside one of your friends."

"Can't be. I banished Pendragon to the void years before I met them. How can Pendragon return?"

"Well I best be going. Oh and here is a glimpse of what will happen to Minecraftia when we find Pendragon."

Immediately I saw fire and I heard people screaming,"WATCH OUT HE'S COMING THIS WAY!!" Then I saw someone half human and half ender dragon appear

"Seto. Good to see you again. Especially since I spent 5 years in the void thanks to you. Too bad I won't have my body back. Oh well. At least from now on I will be stronger. Since I am in your friend's body. His strength is better than mine. Pretty funny. A little mortal being stronger than THE PENDRAGON. Now he will be the one to end your life on Minecraftia. The only one who never betrayed you." Then I saw an evil smirk on him. He's never looked at me like that. He's the one who saved me.

"Why?" I asked with tears forming in my eye. Then I saw an obsidian sword raise above my head. As he was about to slice through me. I awoke. I saw the whole Team Crafted staring at me. All I wanted was just my friends's to stay by my side. I bit my lip hoping somehow that will help with trying to hide back my tears.


I look up to see Seto siting up with. It looks as if he was about to cry. I excuse myself from the room and head to my own secret room. I teleport in and walk up to the portal. When I walk through the portal, I see my father.

"Hello father."

"Hello Sky. I need to talk to you. It seams as if Seto knows of the horrid events taking place very soon. I need you to prepare your army for this. I want you to have Seto reveal the information. He knows more than me."

"Yes father. Oh and what if I reveal that I am related to Herobrine?"

"Skybrine, then you can take off your glasses and erase their memories of you and come back home."

"...yes father" I have to erase their memories of me.

"Can I leave me in their memories and erase that they know I am related to you?"

"That is a little risky. What if traces of the memories come back to some of them because they look at you? I can't have my enemies hurt you Sky."

"It's ok. If they start getting threatened, I'll lure them here for you to finish them."

"Alright. Be safe out there Sky. The over world is where your mother died."

"Bye father."

Seto POV

"Well Seto, we'll be leaving to let you rest now." Husky said. Then I was left alone. I teleported back to my library and searched up for a way to banish pendragon back to the void permanently. I then saw my book about dark magic. I flipped through and saw it will take a while to train and I was willing. I started my training. I then heard so something like my bed being pushed. No one knows about that.

"Seto. We need to talk." It was Sky.

"How do you know about this?"

"I'll tell you later. Right now, it's time to tell everyone your secret. For a battle will happen soon. We need to prepare them."

"I understand. Call them into to the meeting room. I'll meet you there." I picked up my book about dark magic and how to trap beings who has possessed a body that is not theirs and leave the host of the body unharmed.

" The Ender Clan Returns" A voice rang within my head.

~in the meeting room~

"Ok sky army. Seto has something to say. It will help out with something that only he can stop because he is stronger than even Herobrine himself."

"Wait no I'm not. Have you even seen what Herobrine himself can do?" He uses a different type of magic than I as well. 

"I am well aware. I have seen him use his power, but we'll talk about this later."

I sigh. "Guys, I am a sorcerer."

A/N: thanks for taking your time and reading. Feed back please thank you. (This is lilthaikutie/craftventure from a different time when I wrote this... my writting style changed so.... it's a little more descriptive than this so I'll be adding some more descrptions so watch out for them because those little details are important to the sequel's next chapter.)

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