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Secrets, maybe the things you're embarrassed about, maybe the things you're ashamed of, maybe the things you know everyone would turn on you for if they really knew, those things you withhold

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Secrets, maybe the things you're embarrassed about, maybe the things you're ashamed of, maybe the things you know everyone would turn on you for if they really knew, those things you withhold ... those half truths

Many small secrets, precariously held
But here's the thing ..

Cause that secret you're trying so hard to keep - everyone knows, everyone is whispering behind your back,

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Cause that secret you're trying so hard to keep - everyone knows, everyone is whispering behind your back,

It's simple really - and if you wonder why you feel so burdened

It's simple really - and if you wonder why you feel so burdened

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For if you have to keep it a secret then you know it's dirty ...

and eventually you will self destruct

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and eventually you will self destruct ... for what's done in the darkness ....

What happens when to know someone's secret is more of a burden than a privilege ? Oh they made you feel important like you knew something others didn't. Lucky you hey!!! But the reality is they wanted you in on the dirty secret, because they justified that as your support, it was only ever to make themselves feel better - like if someone else knew too, then it wasn't only them keeping a secret - that secret that would hurt someone - someone you supposedly cared about. They played you and wanted you to take sides - they manipulated you into that position.

and it was never a privilege to be told ... for

And what they wanted you to keep ?

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And what they wanted you to keep ?

And what they wanted you to keep ?

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 And remember

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And remember

And in the end you'll see the truth

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And in the end you'll see the truth.

Stay spicy ..
Spoiler - they started something before that other thing was finished with someone else, they created scenarios so that someone else would walk away, they played it out, then they panicked when someone caught on but got some wires crossed. They hooked up under the guise of helping him through his heartbreak when actually they were messing around all the time. Group dates, when the actual gf was the third wheel! She helped him to get her to break up with him - all in the disguise as a friend!! They also dragged someone else into their mess and made that person turn on the victim, they lied and deceived and justified - until someone's guilt caught up with them - but people know, people see, people hear and people know now the real story!
Cowards, liars, cheaters, manipulators -

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