Salty tears fall down my face
Undeniable pain hidden by the suffocating touch of my blanket
What once was a comfort morphed into waves of sadness
Engulfing myself in silent agony I weep
Silent so no one can hear my screams
Silent so no one hears the pathetic attempt of me trying to pull myself together
Silent, forced to hide who I am
Tossing and turning in a life of suffering
Feeling alone and powerless in decisions with regards to how I will be raised
Seperate famillies ripped my heart from my chest
Still beating it goes on slowly, ever so slowly
Divorce caused me to lose myself
Transformed into a vitim of circumstance
Why did they do this to me?
I never did anything, yet this happened
Years wasted on a hopeless fantasy
Burdened with their choices and their mistakes
Love gone awry more times then I can count
Betryal and false sense of truth has tainted my life
Sometimes I wished it would all end
That it would go back to days of happiness and pure innocence
But I am stronger than before
I've lasted this long a few more years will not be too bad
This has made my heart nearly indestructible
Consuming my body with its icy effects
Heart of stone
Face like stone
Inside a fire rages on
When will it be my turn in life?
When it will it become mine?
Being internally broken has cracked my stony armor
Where's my happily ever after?
Where's my joy?
Where's my love?
Questions I seek answers to, but never receive
I'm broken and I don't think I can be fixed
I hurt everyday and Life gets harder
I won't give up though, Im not spineless
They will have to send me to my grave to end my fight
I will never give up
Someday I will tell my story and the people who thought they knew me will take another glance
I have regrets, secrets, and lies
I hate feeling broken
One thing is for sure though
Just because I'm broken doesn't make me a quitter
It makes me a survivor