The Breakthrough

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I once again awoke to the vision of the dark grey and blue skies, that were lined with the silver trees. This time I was not surprised, I was more aware of my surroundings. My limbs were numb like they were the first time, and I felt just as terrible.
The forest was darker than before, and this time I truly couldn't see. I slowly tilted my head just enough to see next to me. Even with my cheetah eyesight, I could see little to nothing.
I suddenly feared that Koi had left, but a part of me said that he wouldn't do that.
I slowly lift my numb hand to the back of my head where I must have struck my head with a rock. I could feel the wound and a spike of pain shot through me when I merely brushed the cut with my finger tips.
I could feel the back of my hair, which was caked in my dried blood. I guess the wound is bad enough to have been bleeding. I momentarily close my eyes, trying to bring about some type of self composure.
I feel my presence in my body once again and I was able to sit up.
I once again saw movement. That must be Koi. He is probably...making a tent?
That is the least of my worries but I try to avoid thinking about things that make my head hurt. Especially in this case.
I wanted to call out to him, to tell him that I was awake, but my voice failed me once again.
It was but a thin rasp.
I decided that I shouldn't try to strain myself, so I watched the figure curiously.
Whatever he was doing was making a light rubbing clanking sound. I briefly wonder what it is before I see A small Burst of light and realize he is making a fire.
It illuminated a small halo of the forest, but not enough for me to know for sure who the figure was. If it wasn't Koi, who else would it be?
I wasn't really worried about who the figure was, so I closed my eyes again and let myself drift away. In hindsight, I really should have been more concerned.

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