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     It was someone's idea, but no one in the group would take credit for it. The mutual hate for the thought drove any claims away. The group of four decided they would stick together; that their knowledge was greater as a hole, and that this was too risky to keep a person out of the circle if they already knew the information. If word got out to the council...

     Lucifer was the one that made the 'posion'. It would slow Azeala's heartbeat, create the illusion that the queen was deceased. As he and Nicklaus ran through the castle, declaring their lie, Taina wept by her sister's bedside, playing a wonderful supporting lady.

     Within hours, the throne was Taina's and the world was in a black cloak of mourning. The white marble castle was drawn up in dark velvet curtains, and satin drapes that kept the room gloomy and sad. The gowns were all dyed a murky array of shades of black, the clocks were all frozen at the time of the queen's death, and the world seemed to fall into disarray. That was Taina's job; to be so grief stricken that she didn't rule. She ignored the headlines and only interfered if someone's life was at stake.

     At Azeala's funeral the casket was bolted closed, and the queen herself was tucked away safely at the guard house in Nicklaus' living quarters. She painfully watched as her world fell apart. With everyone in the castle gone, the queen shrod herself in a dirty cloak and snuck into the kitchen, hiding buns, apples and water bottles in her pockets and satchels. The queen quickly dashed to the scaffold structure and climbed down the stairs, fleeing into an ally.

     She came upon a child, sitting on the side of the street, dressed in what looked to be a pink tutu; now it was a sad grey. The queen stopped in front of her and handed her an red apple, removing her cloak's hood. "Don't tell the grown ups. They won't believe you." Azeala winked at the girl. Seeing something so small bring a child to life made her heart swell with happiness and her womb eased its pain. Kissing the girls forehead, she raised her hood and disappeared, looking for the next child. This wasn't part of the plan, but it was something Azeala used to do in her spare time. She would go out like a commoner and deliver food and water to those who needed it.

     However, today was different. She couldn't show her face to an adult or she would be found out; even revealing herself to the children was dangerous, but her people needed happiness. Her people needed joy. Her people needed their colors.

     Every child she passed was given food and water and a kiss to the forehead. Her people called her kisses 'gratitude kisses' because Azeala usually only gave them out in return for something, but Azeala was now gracious of one thing; the children were full of glee when she left them.

     She snuck back into the castle just as the funeral ended. The queen felt raw to the bone as she saw people returning to their homes and jobs looking so lifeless. Had she really made that much of a difference?

     As people poured in and out of the castle, Nicklaus ran into his room. "You need to hide, they're searching the rooms!" He whispered desperately. Azeala's eyes lit up with the fear of being found out, but she instantly looked to the laundry shoot. "Go, Az, now." She stared at him for a moment, then grabbed his face and kissed him fiercely. Her arms wrapped around his neck as his slithered around her waist.

      Nicklaus' lips drug over the ample curve of hers as if he was a fire, licking against the trees. When they pulled away, the fire rumbled to a slow burn. Without saying a word, Azeala climbed into the laundry shoot and tried to be as quiet as possible while she went down.

•  •  •  •

     Days passed; hiding the queen was becoming a task, for sure. Nicklaus and Azeala didn't have much time to themselves, so they tried to keep their coupling a secret; it was much more fun that way.

     Lucifer was up to play now. He crept into the council's meeting room and rigged the chairs of two members. Turns out, Girl One and Girl Two were really the twins, Jayn and Layn. They would die tonight. 

     Once they sat down, spikes would jab out of the flat part and meet their fleshly insides. It was gruesome, but the point had to be made. Once the spikes settled inside the girls, confetti would rain from the ceiling, music would play, and an announcer would come on the intercom: "Congratulations! You have died! Congratulations! You have died!"

     When Lucifer was done, he came back to the room smirking, face ablaze with jubilee.

     "It's done?" Azeala asked from her place on the floor. She had been meditating from all the stress and all she wanted to do was feel her body incase in ice.

     "Yes, my dear, I took care of it." The devil helped her up, eyeing the fading hickey on her throat. That used to be where he put his marks. That used to be his spot. He remembered how she whine when his lips grazed her milky skin. He remembered how her back would arch as he sucked. She used to moan his name so softly as his fingers curled inside her. She used to gasp when his tongue danced across her breasts. But now she did that for Nick. Lucifer could smell him on her. That guard tainted the smell of his lover.

     "Now we wait." Nicklaus murmured, trying to hide his swell of pride. She did all that and more! The queen was a vixen in bed. Her moans, her cries, her gasps, her begs; they were music to his ears.

     An eerie quiet filled the room for a whole hour. No one moved, no one spoke. But then, suddenly. . .

     "Congratulations! You have died! Congratulations! You have died!"

(1029 words)

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