Untitled Part 2

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Do you ever wake up and feel like the world is about to end, and you feel like you should be doing more with your life on your last day on Earth? There's just a feeling deep within you pulling and wrenching on your stomach maybe even giving you a headache. You might even look around at the happy faces around you wondering if you are the only one feeling this feeling. The sky is darker and your most important problem is suddenly rendered insignificant by the laws of the universe. Who are we to have opinions about everything? To pretend like we matter in a world that is oblivious to our existence? Why do you bother going to get coffee in the morning on your way to a steady job that you will most likely work at for a long time? Why is it human behavior to ignore a call from your annoying neighbor who you don't want to talk to right now? To tell your child "No" when they want to play with you or go out with their friends? They won't remember the times you've said "yes" they'll tell stories about how they were so mad at you for not letting them go. They might laugh about it as they reminisce about the good old days, but why make them upset at all? "Life is too short": an understatement. Answer the phone call and talk to your neighbor, make their day by telling them all about the things in your life that you think are stupid but are all that neighbor has to look forward to, other people's accomplishments.

As humans in this life, we look to other people to set our lives for us. Why? Why do we listen to celebrities to tell us what fashion is popular this season? Wear what makes you happy as yourself. Open up about your guilty pleasures to everyone around you. decorate your room with things that just make you smile when you see them. You are never too busy to hang out with your friends and have a great time that you will never forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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