Chapter 20

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My senses were over loaded when the screams filled my ears. Everyone spread out to different parts of the house.

My legs kicked in faster then my mind as I blotted upstairs. Multiple rooms lay before me, there were no sounds coming from the rooms, all that was heard was the gun blasting downstairs.

Air left my lungs in a sigh,'which door first?' My prime instinct of going from start to finish itched away at me, 'one by one it is.'

Opening the first door I was met with the feeling of something grazing my cheek at high speeds, blinking I look to the man in front of me holding his gun up right trying to look intimidating but I could see him visibly shake.

Tilting my head to the side, my lip twitches into a smirk, "You missed."

In the blink of an eye my face was inches from his, his scream made my mind ache to see his blood paint the walls. Plunging my knife into his shoulder I heard a thud on the floor, "not the best gang member, just dropping your gun like that" I mocked him, tears rolled down his face, sobbing and screams filled my ears, 'ah this is pathetic!'

Rolling my eyes I pulled the knife out of his shoulder, he reacts quickly now, swinging his fists towards my face in hopes of doing some damage. Swiftly stopping his fist I spit out "really pathetic" before skewering my knife through his wrist watching it pop out the other side, blood dripping off the tip.

Seeing his eyes full of fear and the blood drip, drip, drip made something in me snap, my bloodlust has started.

A psychotic laugh bubbled out my mouth as my knife danced across his skin, his screams music to my ears.

He lay cut up, blood oozing out of everywhere, eyes staring up with a tinted gaze. 'One isn't enough to stop this bloodlust!'

Room after room after room, each painted with a new shade of red.

Standing in front of the last door, covered with my new 'paint', knife at the ready. 'One more door and I'll stop killing', I sarcastically laugh, 'lying is bad you now.'

I pushed the door open to see a bedroom, sweeping the room with my eyes I saw no one. 'Lame I need-' a sob filled my ears, listening carefully for the sound I locate where it's coming from, the cupboard.

Opening the cupboard, my bloodlust drained at seeing the small boy hugging his knees to his chest. The boy slowly looked up at me before grabbing my leg "please miss can you help me, there are bad people hurting my family!" He pleaded full of naivety.

Looking into his eyes I saw someone who was confused and scared, someone who just wanted to help his family. Someone like me. Someone like the boys.

"Okay just one person left, everyone else has been taken care of." Jacks voice entered my ears, I turned to look at him, "hurry up and finish it and let's go!" He demand with eyes burning holes into the boy hiding behind me.

The words left my mouth even though I knew the consequences will be full of indescribable pain. "No."

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