Chapter Two

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*AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry guys this is going to be a short chapter because I'm still writing the story. And I wanted the "next day at school" to be a different chapter itself. Thanks guys ! Please vote, comment and share !(:

As I went home on the bus after track practice I couldn't stop think about him. Maybe I just was to worked up and had alot of stress on my shoulders- considering it was the first day of the second semester. Teachers really should learn how to give us a break and chill on the homework. Track ended at 5:30P.M., the bus ride home takes about 20 minutes, and then I still have to walk a little ways to get home. By the time I'm home it's already 6:00 and my mom is barely going to work. I'd be lucky if I saw her driving off the driveway or down the road.

I got home and my grandma was cooking dinner. I said hello and went to the restroom to shower. I loved the feeling of standing there with my head down and the water falling down my shoulders and my semi-long hair.

I got out threw on my pajamas, an oversized pink t-shirt and some black shorts that cut off at the knee, and raced downstairs to the most amazing smell ever. Spaghetti and meatballs. I ate as quickly as possible not wanting to waste any time on not doing my homework.

I finished my dinner and went back upstairs to my room. I had always written my homework for that day on a piece of paper in my binder.

It read:

Today's Homework-

Health-Diagram of the body

Algebra page 104-106 #1-45

Science-Finish the story on the lab

Social Studies-Essay of the Battle of San Antonio

I got started on my homework in the order of my classes. Usually I just do whichever I think is easier but I decided to go through my schedule.

I finally finished my homework-at 2 A.M. I crawled into bed and closed my tired and drowsy eyes. I only stupid part was that I couldn't sleep. I thought for sure with how unrested my body was. Usually when I can't sleep I'm thinking about Nicholas (the guy I've liked since forever). But for some reason he wasn't the cause of my sleepless night... It was Matthew. I tried to shoo away my thoughts as good as possible and go to sleep.

I fell asleep as uncomfortable as I was. Restless night but my body got some rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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