Chapter 1

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Cold .....that's all I could feel as I lay with stab wounds and a hole through my chest . As I lay there dying ,my master and friends stand over me with disappointment in their eyes

Koneko;why are you so weak

Kiba; your a disappointment

Rias;why did I even revive you if your going to be useless

Akeno;Rias senpai what do we do with this weakling

Rias; we leave him if he isn't going to be useful than I do not see why he should be in my peerage anymore

Rias said as she kneels down and pulls out her pawn chest piece

Rias; May the after life give your peace Leon

Rias said as she and her group walk away from Leon who couldn't believe what's happening

Leon's mind;why.... why are they doing this I've been trying my best to please them.. to prove them that I'm not weak...

Leon thought as his consciousness slowly fades

Leon's mind; I don't want to die ,not yet please someone save me......
Ash final thought as he dies there but not until a women appears through the shadows

?; I feel sad for you....... you don't deserve to die like this

The women said as she stands above his corpse and pulls out a chest knight piece

(Leon pov)

Leon opens his eyes to see darkness around him

Leon mind: so this is it I'm dead betrayed by my own Master and friends maybe I'm better off dead
Leon thought as he floats there, just as he is about to close his eyes a bright light appears all around him
Leon;what the hell?!
Leon screamed as the light dies down to show a rocky area with fire. Everywhere as gold lights cover the sky , but in front of him was a giant blazing lion standing tall over him and it lets out a mighty roar

 Everywhere as gold lights cover the sky , but in front of him was a giant blazing lion standing tall over him and it lets  out a mighty roar

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Leon covered his ears as it roared, after a few second its stops. Ash was amazed and scared at the same time but it gets weirder as it talks

?;so you have come to meet me at last
The lion said as it looks down at him

Leon could only look at the lion before he snaps out of it and talks back

Leon; who are you?!
Leon asked as he looks at the lion

Lion;I'm your sacred gear and I've been watching you from your subconscious
The lion said

Leon; that sounds kinda weird Wait you were watching me this whole time so I guess you know that I got killed by my master and my friends because I'm weak and useless
Leon said as he looks down

The lion looks at him and chuckles.Ash looks up at him

Leon;what's so funny?!!
Leon yelled at the lion

Lion;it's how you believe them... you have a lot of power inside you just need to let it out
The lion said as Ash fades in and out

Leon;hey what's going on?!
Leon said as he panics

Lion;it seems that someone is reviving you
The lion said as everything fades

Leon: Wait I don't even know your name?!

Lion; it's G-
Before the lion could say it  everything goes white

(3rd person)

Leon jumps up and was covered in sweat
Leon; what I'm alive I'm alive!
Leon said as he holds his chest and notices that his wound was covered up by bandages and that he's in a bed room , he was in a king sized bed

Leon; where am I?
Leon said as he looks around the room..just as he is about get out the of bed  the door to the room opens and a  lady that's looks the same age as him walks in

just as he is about get out the of bed  the door to the room opens and a  lady that's looks the same age as him walks in

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(This is what she looks like)

?;oh I see your awake how are feeling
The lady asked

Leon;I'm fine but who are you where am I at and why am I not dead?!
Ash asked in confusion

The lady looks at him with a calm expansion
Lady;for your first question I'm Sara Vern, for your second question you are in my house with  my peerage, and for your final question I've brought you back from the dead and made you my knight

Sara said as she looks at him..Ash looks at her with wide eyes

Leon; why would you revive me  I'm just a useless  servant
Leon said as he looks down

Sara walks over to him and puts a hand on his shoulder
Sara; that's where you are wrong, you are not weak you just need believe in yourself, and I wanted you to join my Peerage is that okay
Sara said as she looks into Ash's eyes

Leon looks at her as tears go down his face
Leon mind;she wants me a useless servant to join her peerage a second chance to be useful
Leon thought as he looks at her
Leon; yes it's okay I want to join you
Leon said as he wipes his tears away

Sara smiles
Sara; well than welcome to the family
Sara said as she hugs him
Sara;why don't you rest for a bit you still need to heal
Sara said as she gets up and heads to the door

Leon nods
Leon; Leon
Leon said

Sara turns around and looks at him
Sara asked

Leon;Leon that's my name
Leon said as he looks at her an smiles gently

Sara smiles and heads out of the door
Sara; rest well Leon
Sara said as she closes the door and Leon lays down and rest with one thought on his mind

I have a second chance

To be continued.....

The betrayed devil (betrayed Oc reader x High school dxdWhere stories live. Discover now