Chapter 12

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(Two days later)

Leon was cleaning his sword in his room when Sara came into his room with a worried expression

Leon looks towards her
Leon;is something wrong Sara?
Leon asked as he puts his sword away

Sara goes and sits next to Leon
Sara;yes there is
Sara said
Sara;there has been recent reports of Excaliburs from the church gone missing and I've heard that Rias's knight has gone rouge and she needs help
Sara said

Leon looks down
Leon;why does she always ask us
Leon said as he leans on Sara

Sara looks at him
Sara;Leon please do this for me
Sara said as she moves her hand through his hair gently

Leon signs than stands up and looks at her
Leon;alright Sara I'll go
Leon said as he looks at her an smiles gently

Sara smiles gently  as she stands up and kisses him..,Leon hugs her and kisses back

They broke the kiss and looks into each other's eyes

Leon;so who will be joining me on the mission Sara?
Leon asked

Sara;Stella and Serena will be joining you Leon
Sara said as she lets go of him and smiles

Leon;very well I'll get ready to leave as soon as I can
Leon said

Sara nods and heads out of Leon's room

(Time skip)

Leon,Stella and Serena were walking down through town

Stella:so where do we meet up with them?
Stella asked

Serena;Leon do you know where they may be at?
Serena asked

Leon looks ahead of them
Leon; yeah their main base is in kuoh academy mostly for girls but recently they accepted boys to, we should go there till the evening so no people will see us
Leon said as they walk

Serena;good idea Leon
Serena said as she looks at him

Stella;by the way Leon are you alright?
Stella asked

Leon;yeah it's just that when ever Rias gets in a big mess she keeps calling us to help it's actually getting quite bothersome
Leon said as he walks but stops as he feels a familiar presence
Leon;lets go!
Leon said as he starts to run

Stella;wait up Leon!
Stella said as she and Serena follow him

(3 minuets later)

Leon,Stella and Serena stop as they see Rias and her group standing infront of a rouge priest

Priest;if it isn't the traitor, Asia-San.. enjoying life as a devil shit?!
The priest said

Issei gets infront of Asia
Issei;hey! You lay a finger on Asia-chan and I'll..
Issei gets cut off by Leon jumping infront of them

Leon;well we'll well I can't have a peaceful life without you pulling me and my master into your sh*t! Huh Rias!
Leon said as he points his sword towards the priest

Rias said as she looks at him with shock but than looks at the priest

Priest;woah! Time out time out! Gotta chat with the red headed dame for a second
The priest said

Leon stay still

Rias;Leon lower your weapon and chat?
Rias said

Leon gets his sword up ignoring her

The sky turns purple as the priest smirks
Priest;my boss wants to!
The priest said as everyone looks up to see and fallen angel

Koneko;it's a fallen angel
Koneko said

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