The closest to death

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After leaving the twins base a are now on our way to antartica.let's just say the next monster  looks like the yeti on a bad hair day.Plus he had the sword of snow and ice wich means he is a god and that means that he is harder to defeat than most bosses.So this will take more effort👎,anyhow the jet is now running out of petrol and we are only 1 mile away from what is basically our doom so there is no point not saying goodbye.We are now at antarctica its cold but with our armour we don't feel much so its ok I guess we have seen our enemy and it's about 360 feet so that means it is really tall.George used his fire died and everyone else just used there normal sword on this mission we had more men that we started with because we found survivors on the last mission and they agreed to help.

George got about one hit before the beast went absalotle crazy and tried to kill all of us then we started to truly fight back, we are who about five minutes in the battle and fighting for our lives so yeah and he also has a building witch he could throw at us.

Ok it's been about 6 long hours of fighting and now we have finally killed the beast but another problem is that the jet has ran out of fuel witch means the engine won't run and it will take us another 2 hours to make some more fuel do we are stuck in this island until then so we better make the most of it and the worst thing is that Mark has broken his leg.

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