Chapter 1

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"MADILYNN!" My best friend Hannah yelled as she ran across the entrance of the school, ignoring the fact that bikes, people and cars were going past. The warmth of her came to me as she wrapped her arms around me. Happiness filled me like water being poured into a cup. I couldn't contain the happiness of seeing my best friend. She made me like I was worth every minute, no every second to her. She cared about me like she was my twin.
"Oh my god I've missed you too too too much. Omg your outfit, I love it. Oh I need to tell you that there is a new guy and oh my god he is fine." She blabbered on making me laugh. She was always like this, chatty, happy and excited. She spun me around and pointed to a tall, blonde haired guy talking to the footballers.
"That's the new guy." She whispered getting all excited and chirpy.

I looked over to see who he was talking to and then I saw Zach.
"Oh god, he's there." I said turning back around so Zach couldn't see me. Hannah quickly turned to face me. Her right eyebrow rose and loud giggles came out from my mouth uncontrollably.
"Ohhhhhh you still like Zach. Oooooo Madi." Hannah teased nudging me in the arm multiple times and giving me the look.
"Shut up Hannah, he could hear you." I snapped at her making sure she wouldn't say anything else. Hannah burst out in laughter, trying to make Zach notice me, well at least she was 'trying' to.
My head turned to see if Zach was looking at me.  And of course he was. A girl with silky blonde hair, ocean blue eyes and a flawess body walked up to Zach. It was Kourtney, she had been bullying me ever since we met which was when we were in primary school. She used to be my best friend until I realized that she was using me to get her grades up and that she was always putting me down. When Kourtney reached Zach she looked over to me and smiled. Them she grabbed Zach's face and passionately kissed him. Jealously hit me like a slap in the face and honestly it did feel like a slap. Before I knew it tears were rolling down my face and my feet were moving like lightning.

I pushed the door to the girls bathroom open and sat on the floor. I knew I shouldn't be crying, I knew Kourtney wanted me to feel eternal sadness and loneliness. I knew that I shouldn't have let her get to me, but I did. I felt sick that I let this happen again. The door burst open followed by a single set of footsteps. Arms wrapped around me and pulled me close. The tears kept rolling down my face like they had no breaks. Hannah let go of me and looked deeply into me eyes. She brushed the whispy hairs out of my eyes.
"I know that you let her in and that you feel stupid for letting yourself do that but she has always done this to you. Although she continues to do it everytime you've gotten up and become stronger. Now go out with your head up and a smile on your face." Her speech gave me confidences and made me feel like I was worth it. Her hand grabbed mine and it pulled me onto my feet. I wiped the remaining tears from my face and put a smile on my face. RINNNNNNNNNG. Hannah hugged me goodbye and left to go to form room. I walked the oppisite way to go to mine.

The voices of happy people filled my ears as I entered my form room. Everybody was sitting with their friends, there was the five swimmers, four cheerleaders, four dancers, three footballers and then there was Alaska. I've know Alaska for about two years. I first met her because we did dancing at my dance studio that I do out of school. Ever since then we've been friends, but not best friends. She sits with Olivia and Daisy who are musicians. I walked over to where she was sitting and tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped at the sudden touch of my fingers and laughed it off.

"Madilynn, hi, are you doing dance again?" She asked turning to face me. A huge smile came across her face as she moved her bag.
"Yeah of course I am. Are you doing the same clssses as last year?"
I said as Mr Hill walked into the room. He kicked a chair out of his way and sat down at the teacher's desk. The class quietly laughed.
"Yes." Alaska whispered as Mr Hill started to take the role. Soon enough everyone was rushing through the halls of the school to get to first period.

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