Chapter 1: Back Home

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Taylor POV

I can't believe I'm back! I'm finally back home. I can't wait to see everyone again and how they're doing. I missed them. Even though I was gone for like three freaking years. I wonder if the twins are in high school yet. Anna and Lyre. They're the youngest in our family.

I'm the oldest seeing as I'm twenty-one years and coming back from college. I can't wait to see mom and dad. It seems like just yesterday I was in highschool. Time sure does flies by fast. I look out the window of the car I'm in and notice things I never noticed as a teenager. Like how blue the sky is and how pretty it looks. Also how friendly and happy people are.

I smile wistfully as I recall memories of the past of the people I spent most of my life with. It's funny how something you have you can still miss. To be honest, I miss my girls the most, especially my best friends, Vera and Mia , they're like sisters to me. I wonder if she still lives here. I chuckle softly when I remember a prank we pulled just before we both left for college. I should probably introduce myself. I'm Taylor Transom . I'm 21years old going to be 22 next month. I love reading and writing and I love horror movies. I have two younger siblings.

I'm engaged but not married yet because I still have to go to college. But right now I am on summer vacation and its time to party. I'm kidding. I guess I've never really been the party type. Though my siblings on the other hand is another story for another day. So that's pretty much all there is to know about me. And before I know it I'm already outside my home.

I pay the cab driver and get my bags from the boot. I smile wistfully as I see that they really haven't changed the front-yard. I chuckled when I remember the scenes that took place here and most of it was a disaster thanks to my best friend and I. Although, to be fair she did force me into most of the time. But what can I say? That girl just won't take no for freaking answer. As I head towards the front door of the place called home and still do I notice with a frown that they did change something.

My bike isn't there anymore and neither are the two front porch gnomes my dad bought when we moved in. And he seemed to love it so much too.

That's odd. He would whine for days if one of us even suggested we throw it away. So why throw it away now?
Eh. I'm sure there's a good reason whatever it is.

I shrug and then proceed to ring the bell.

No answer.

I ring it again.

No answer.


I ring it a third time.

Same thing.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. They probably went out.

Might as well let myself in then seeing as they probably won't be back for a while.
I slowly open the door with the spare key the gave melast year as an early birthday present. I poke my head in. I narrow my eyes at the scene in front of me.
A boy, probably sixteen or seventeen, sitting casually with his arm around a girl with brown hair with a streak of blue in it and they're watching a movie.
How dare they?!!
Granted i don't know who they or what they're doing in my parents house. I growl loudly making the both of them snap their heads in my direction. The brunette tilts her head to the left and with a raised eyebrow asks "I don't think I've seen you around here. Who are you and what are you doing in our home ?"
I glare at her before answering her "Funny you saying that when I'm supposed to be the one asking seeing as this is my parents home, don't cha think?"
I watch in silence as the girl's previous facial expression of curiosity turns to one of pity and........concern?

The fuck is she feeling pity and concern for? I'm literally seconds away from bashing your head in and you're busy feeling pity and concern? For who though, i wonder. Because it had better not be me..
"I'm Nikki and I'm really sorry for doing this to you but... Your parents are in a-an asylum"

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