Chapter 2: Disbelief

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Taylor POV
I stared at her for what felt like hours, but was only a  few minutes, and I honestly thought I wasn't breathing anymore in that time span because of the silence that followed what the brunette just casually told me. I blink in disbelief and the news just registered in my head that my parents that this twit here claims are in a fucking asylum. I don't know who to be angry at,my siblings for not telling me or the fact that two strangers that are still in my fucking parents house staring at as if I have two heads. I manage to ask "WHAT?" in all the confusion that's going on in my head since I heard this horrific news. Both look at each other then at me then at each other as if they're trying to figure out how to explain the news to wide eyed girl staring at them because she's shocked. I growl again,narrow my eyes and fold my arms "EXPLAIN. NOW" I watch as fear flickers through their eyes for a brief second. I think its because my tone is going towards the  'I'm more than pissed so don't say anything stupid or I wont hesitate to break every bone in your body'  I keep my face blank  as the boy takes a deep breathe like he's trying to calm his heartbeat due to fear "Well, um, the newspaper said that they were attacked in a park and they were both a bit....odd since then. And then the woman had finally cracked when her dog was run over. That's all i know anyway."  I walked to couch  they'd been sitting down on and still with an emotionless face but was breaking inside asked in a half broken and half cracked voice asked "When?" They, again, looked at each other before Nikki answered the question that I would have rather liked the boy to answer "Um,June 3" I felt my stomach churn and my mouth go dry.. That was the same day Fred  proposed. Could it be just a coincidence or.........? I immediately shook the thought from my head not wanting to think about it any longer. I bit my lip as i realized two questions still hadn't been answered "Um, if you don't mind me asking and I hope I not prying but...why are you two in my parents house and who is the emo boy with the brown floppy hair?"  I ask out of curiousity and because i don't want to talk about that topic anymore. Nikki looks like she's trying to hold in her laughter but after giving up trying she bursts out in laughter. I stare at her with an amused expression and then turn my attention towards said person and see that he looks a bit peeved and is pouting. I chuckle a little at how how cute he is when he pouts, the situation is starting to make me laugh a little louder than intended and before either of us know it I'm  rolling on the floor with Nikki. "Its funny but its not That  funny" Says the   pouty brown haired boy. We try to stop laughing before we hurt his pride and shit. Notice the key word:Try "Nikki lets stop we might honestly hurt the emo boys feelings" And, we start laughing again. I didn't notice the smile that was plastered on my face and I tried to shut it off but for some reason it wouldn't. I try to stand up, the wipe the dirt off of me and give Nikki a hand. "Anyway, my names Leo. Whats yours?" I turn to him with a slight smile and bring my handout to shake his "Taylor. Taylor  Terras." What I didn't expect was a hug. I look at Nikki in confusion and shock but she's looking at Leo with her eyebrows raised. I try to wiggle out of it cause it's getting awkward seeing as I'm not hugging back but he just tighten his his grip on me "I'm  not going to stop until you hug back" I look at him exasperated and the turn my head to silently plead with Nikki to help me. But she just shrugs"Sorry, but he's a hugger and you have to hug back if you want him to stop" I sigh. Oh well. I hug back and hope to god that this hug ends soon. And my prayers get answered when he stops hugging me. Thank heaven its over. "Oh and to answer your question as to why we're in your parents house. It was sold to us." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion "Why would my parent house be on sale? Especially when they know my siblings are going to live here" They share a look. "Nikki clears her throat and, forcefully might i add, drags me to the couch. "They, um, they didn't tell you?" She sounds just as confused as i feel. I narrow my eyes  "Tell me what?" I growl out. Have got to stop doing that. She squirms in the seat and tries to avoid eye contact with me. " Tell me. NOW"  I hate when people keep things from especially when it has to do with you. I turn to him and see him too trying to avoid looking directly at me. I take a deep breathe and try to put a smile on my face even i really don't wan to "You don't have to if you don't want to,you know. And if you do, take your time. I not going anywhere. And if it's bad, no, I'm not going to get mad" Nikki looks at Leo for reassurance, he nods,and then at me"Okay. Promise you wont get mad?" I bring my pinkie out and hook it to hers"Pinkie promise" She smiles a little and takes a deep breathe before blurting out " Your siblings were killed in a car accident. A few weeks after your departure. They wanted to go out to party celebrating their graduation. That's what i read in the news paper anyway. I'm sorry for your loss"

Picture is Nikki.

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