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| Feb. 17, 2018 |




A darkness lingers in the air as you gaze around the dimly lit room. You take a nervous gulp to try and relieve yourself of your jitters. However, the clap of thunder and flash of lightning shakes you to the core in the already creepy lit room.

"Take a seat," I state from my spot in the master chair.

Opening and closing your mouth like a fish out of water, you do as I say for fear of something that can happen. "Do you know why you're here?" I ask with a slight raise of my brows.

"I-I'm afraid not. Curiosity I suppose," you stammer softly.

"Hmm," I hum as I stroke my pet cat. "I suppose that is valid. I knew you were a bit interested but I guess the curiosity got too much so you opened up the door and here you are now. Now tell me, do you know the rules?" I asked as I leaned forward a little.

You nod quickly and I smile a bit wickedly. "Excellent, but I shall recited it once just to be on the safe side. You are entering a new story of my own imagination therefore you cannot steal it nor use it as your own. That is called what?" I ask.

"P-plagiarism," you stammer out.

"Good, good. That's precisely it. And plagiarizing is highly illegal and offensive so that isn't tolerated. Of course, this book will be based off a rhyme we grew up with so I don't take credit of it but the story line and such surrounding it is my own imagination," I continue in a thoughtful manner as I look out the window where rain slides across the pane.

"R-right," you whisper and my eyes snap to you.

"Precisely. Now I do have a request since you're here. Be a dear and share you thoughts. I am but a humble writer who loves to share my work with curious and adventurous minds like yours so do let me know what you think and what I can improve. I strive to better myself and I can only do that with feedback," I plead softly and you gulp.

"I will try my utmost to do what I can," you answer and I crinkle my nose.

"I guess that's as good as it'll get. Now off you go. Enjoy this short story but bare in mind- it's not my usual works. This is a bit darker and morbid," I state with a blank face, making you shudder.

"Yes ma'am," you reply as you scramble up out of your seat and dash out the room.

"Oh dear, they didn't listen to the song. Maybe the next one will," I say to no one as my cat jumps off my lap and disappears somewhere. "Maybe it'll give them the adrenaline to continue," I continue with a wicked grin on my face.


Heyo! Up above is the song that kinda sets the mood for this upcoming short story. Brace yourselves though. It's creepy as heck but so perfect *wicked grin*

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