Summer Puzzle

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Hey guys, this is my 2nd book im writing. Im also writing the fanfic at the same time so uploading times might change around a bit. This chapter is quite long, I just wanted you guys to get into the rhythm of it, otherwise it wouldn’t actually be this long. Hope you like it!






Oh God. Someone please shut that cat up. It’s 7:30 in the morning on a Monday…

Wait, Monday? Oh crud, I’m late.

I ran around my house like a mad man, racing to pack all my books. Now where is my maths book?! I ran around the house at least twice trying to find that stupid book before realising that my teacher has it. Well, there’s my exercise for the day.

I brushed my teeth and made myself a cup of tea. I got ready for school with five minutes to spare. I didn’t have time to drink it all so I poured the rest into a thermos and made my way to the bus stop.

Holy crap, I didn’t realise how cold it was until I stepped outside my house. My hair whipped to the side by the force of the wind. I hurried to the stop and waited for the bus. All of a sudden it started raining. And when I mean by raining, I mean by fricken buckets. At one stage I thought it was just some person throwing an endless supply of buckets of water over me, but no.

Suddenly it stopped, but I could see the rain falling around me. I looked up to see a red umbrella hovering over me. I turned around to face the person who was holding it. And my God was he cute! His hair was falling around his face quite neatly, dark long eyelashes framing his very familiar emerald eyes. He had a straight nose and his pink chapped lips in a form of a smile.

“Oh, th-thanks,” I managed to stutter out.

“No problem,” he said casually. His husky voice, calm.

‘Under my umbrella-ella-ella-eh-eh’ my phone started ringing. I need to change that ringtone, its irony is too much right now.

“Hello?” I answered.

“OI, HAS THE BUS COME YET?! I’M RUNNING LATE!” screamed from the other end.

“Jesus, Micki. There’s no need to scream,” I heard the boy behind me chuckle.

“HAS IT COME YET?!” screamed out Michaela

I pulled the phone away from my ear and answered.

“No, it hasn’t. See ya soon,” and hung up.

I drank some of my tea and turned my head in the direction the bus should be coming from, but my eyes lingered over this familiar looking stranger. I don’t know where he was from and it was bugging me. You know how you see someone on TV and you’re trying to figure out what other movie they’re from that you know of? Yeah, that feeling, and it was eating me away.

“So, you’re new at my school?” I asked, he had my school’s uniform on, so I presumed he is going to the same school, otherwise that would be just plain awkward.

“Yeah, actually, I’m also new to this suburb. I moved in this morning,”

“Really? Where abouts do you live?” Good going Jacqueline, you don’t sound like a stalker or anything. He hesitated for a moment before answering.

Summer PuzzleWhere stories live. Discover now