Its. Time. To. Fuck!

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This is the beginning to... smut...YOU WERE WARNED!!

John walked over to the bed where Thomas and Alexander were laying down as Alex was asleep.  John curled up against Thomas and hugged him tight, Thomas hugged John back, all of the sudden John put his face into Thomas' chest.  Thomas looked at him with a smile, then started to suck in his neck leaving marks.  John moaned pretty loud, and Alex woke up "what the fuck are you two dip shits doing?!" Alex said sounding like he was half asleep.  Thomas replied to him with "Alexander. It's. Time. To. Fuck" John was just moaning because of Thomas sucking on his neck.  Alexander sat up on the bed and said "oh? Really"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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Jamilams {Thomas x Laurens x Alexander} Hamilton smutty fanfic Where stories live. Discover now