Chapter 3: Welcome Home?

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~Lydia's P.O.V. Noon~

I walk through the market, basket in hand. I haven't seen Gram around for while. I shrug, assuming he is wth Marli. I pick up some tomatoes and set them in the basket after payng for them. I hear horses neigh nearby and people start talking wildly while walking towards the main road. I set the basket down and walk over as well. I squeeze through the crowd to the front. I see two brown horses pulling a white carriage being driven by a drunk looking guy. I look inside the carriage to see Gram. He is looking through the crowd for something. Marli steps out of the crowd and smiles widely and looks at Gram. I roll my eyes as Gram leans forward and tells the driver to stop. The carriage rolls to a stop and Gram steps out. He is immediatly hugged by Marli. I roll my eyes again and I'm pretty sure Gram saw that. But I turn around and walk away and walk towards Nyx, who neighs excitedly when she sees me. I untie her reins and hop into the saddle and turn her so we are walking out of the village. We are about a mile out of town until I realize that I forgot the basket of produce back in the market. But I am not about to go back. I will just buy more tomorrow. We walk through the forest silently as I look at the ground in front of Nyx's head. I should be looking where I am going, but I trust Nyx to know the way. I don't even hear the hoofbeats until the horse is right next to us.

"Hey," a voice says suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up to see Gram. I give him a small smile before looking ahead.

"Where were you at?" I ask.

"I visited a kingdom," he says, "well, I got invited to vist," I nod.

"What was the iinvitation for?" I ask curiously.

"Nothing much," he says, "just a celebration for a few engagements,"

"I see," I say softly.

"Lydia," he says, "you have to make up your mind soon,"I turn to look at him, "what is holding you back?" I stop Nyx and look at him.

"What is holding back is the fact that I would be leaving everything I know to enter a foreign world," I say a bit to harshly, "I would be leaving Grendall halfway through his training, not to mention the world I love,"

"Lydia," he says softly, "I know that you're tor-"

"Enough!" I say loudly. Gram flinches, "I just need time to think, okay? This is a big decision that will affect my life. You just need to stop pushing me," I feel bad for yelling. He nods.

"Alright," he says, turning his horse around, "if that is what you want,"

"Gram..." I say softly but he is already gone. 

~2 Hours Later~

I sit on the couch, sharpening my arrows while thinking about earlier. I honestly think I do need time. Daniel or Gram? Daniel or Gram? Who do I love more? I set the arrow im working on on the table beside me and run a hand through my hair. The door opens and Grendall walks in with a smile.

"What are you happy about?" I ask him as he sits next to me.

"Oh nothing," he says wth a sigh. I decide to leave the matter. He is almost eleven years old, "oh alright, I will tell you," I look over at Grandell as he can't stop giggling, "Alexx is engaged," my eyes wdden.

"Really?" I ask. Grendall nods in confirmation. 

"Yes," Grendall says, "he has invited us to his house in Drinton," I nod.

"Well," I say, standing up, "get packing," Grendall leaps up and runs to his room and I go to mine.


We have reached the gates of Drinton where two guards stand outside the gate.

"Who goes there?" one asks.

"Fawn and Nick," I say and the guards open the gates for us. We walk the horses inside and walk down the streets and approach a tall house covered in snow since it is winter here. We ties the horses to a tree inside the gates and wlak up to the door and knock. We wait for a few seconds before the door opens and reveals a tall, blonde woman.

"Hello?" she asks.

"uhm, we are Alexx's brother and sister," I tell her and she smiles.

"Oh, welcome!" she says, stepping aside to let us in, "Alexx is currently at work in the blacksmith forge, but he should be home soon," we nod as we look around at the big house. We sit down in the main room as the woman, Kellia, goes back into the kitchen.

Soon the door opens again and a bunch of snow blows inside.

"Kellia," a voice yells, "I'm home," Kellia walks into the room with Alexx, who smiles when seeing us. Grendall runs over and hugs him tightly as I stand awkwardly.

"I am going to go get some food from the shed out back," Kellia says and leaves the house.

"So," I say with a smile, "my lil brother is getting married," Alexx rolls his eyes at me.

"Oh shut up," he says, stting down in a char, "how are you two?"

"Could be better," I say quickly before Grendall starts talking happily about his life as an assassin apprentice. Alexx listens closely, though he s slowly loosing interest to the story quickly.

Soon t is time to eat, so we all gather at the table to eat.

"How was work, dear?" Kellia asks during dinner.

"It was alright,"  Alexx answers.

"Anything interesting?" Kellia asks.

"Well," Alexx says, "I found out thtat the Emporer is getting married soon," my fork falls and hits the plate with a loud noise.


Author's Note:

Now, I realize that the name 'Lydia' is the name for some Skyrim character. I am not basing the Lydia in this story off of that character in Skyrim.

Thanks for Reading!


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