Beautiful Disaster

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When that person vanished, her world collapsed, leaving nothing behind her; that person existence is now nowhere to be found - all that's left are the lingering memories and the person's scent.
Her nightmare came true, she was unable to accept the reality and kept denying the facts, she curled up in her bed reciting what that person used to tell, recalling that person's voice and seeing that smile on those lips, feeling secured.
But those sweet memories are which hunted her the most. Her heart, now an empty shell... She is trapped in her own darkness.
Those last words almost seems inevitable, "I'll always love you".
She kept shaking the reality off wondering what the world would look like to her now. Would the world be without colours or would it be without sound? Would the flowers still be pretty even when it's at its fullest bloom? Would the sun feels warm and bright as before and would the stars still have its glow?
Without that person, not only her mind, but her whole world shut down in darkness.

She cannot be open from outside for she has been locked up from within.

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