Starry- Eyed

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~Nick's POV

This girl was something,she was just absolutely beautiful and can make the most sillest immature things into a conversation.I think its cool that she doesn't  feel at all wierd that we slept together last night, but i think she has a boyfriend because the way she smiles at her phone, she must really like this guys..I just hope he treats her right. I dont want to intrude on that and be the reason that her and that guy broke up, me and her could be good friends as long as i push all my feelings for her out of the picture.

~Cameron's POV

I think its rad that now we have to share a bus with some pretty awesome guys, i miss Cece but she likes to be on the road,she seems a little bugged about something and wants me to just focus on the band. Im excited about the shows and everything, we are going to be doing some meet and greets which is great interact with the fans.Its kind of quiet without Addie, she was the life of the party and made conversations interesting, and i hate myself for saying that but its true.

~Theo PoV

Everything has been going great so far, Telle taught me some pointers of singing, everyone is welcoming and proud i turned the band around and the sound is actually more energenic and can capture the crowd, but so far the crowds at the shows are still crazy and i love to see half of our fans screaming our names and screaming the lyrics, its kind of nerve wrecking because im the leader of the band, give off that energy to keep everything going in a great flow,but so far i think im doing good just hope i keep being strong,im not that big on standing up in front of thousands of people and freak out, i try to hold it inside but its hard when you don't know if even a part of you shows that side.

~Derek's POV

Im thankful to have a person like Kalani on tour, i mean if it wasn't for her we would probably have to end it and only make to 4 days of touring so far. I think i might like her but i see the way Nick looks at her, i dont even have a chance because all the girls like Nick. Im sick of it that he gets all the girls and the girls i like they all manage to like him and i dont understand anything of why girls can't see i am a nice guy. Whatever i think i might just stick with the idea of being her friend and not worrying about it anyways a hot girl like that doesn't stay single forever.

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