6. Relaxing

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It was 2:45 in the afternoon and the two were still comfortably sleeping soundly. They were really exhausted and were fueling up their energy for the day. In other words, they were just being lazy.

Junhui's mom knocked on the door a couple of times but after hearing no response, she became worried and opened the door by picking the lock with a credit card.

For a top notch place these rooms have a pretty low security system.

Junhui's mother stepped into the room and looked around, panicked for a second, before stopping her eyes on the bed, where the two had comfortably relaxed together.

"Awww" she thought in her mind.

She took out her fancy expensive camera that she had with her in case of moments like this. Junhui and Minghao were cuddling in the comfy covers and it was just the most adorable sight she'd ever seen.


She took a picture but shortly realized she had left the flash on.

Damn it.

Junhui was the first to react as he moved a little adjusting himself before fluttering his eyes open. Minghao was sleeping as soundly as can be.

He sure liked to sleep a lot.

Junhui removed his head from in between Minghao's shoulders to look at the source of sudden light.

"Mom?..what are you doing?" Junhui spoke with a tired raspy voice.

"Oh hey sweetie, I was just testing my camera settings." His mom replied adjusting the camera settings.

"Oh, ok." Junhui put his head back down and snuggled into the sleeping boy more. "Wait? You're camera? But why on me?" The boy lifted his head back up.

"I wasn't testing it on you" Junhui's mother spoke. "I was testing it on both of you" She thought.

"I was just checking to see if the camera still worked because your father accidentally dropped it this morning in the lobby."

This wasn't entirely a lie. Junhui's father had been outside, taking pictures of the ocean and scenery around, in the dim daylight. He wanted to take pictures of things before people came to invade the scenes.

When he finished snapping a photo of a passing butterfly, he revised his work in the lobby. The man was pleased with his work and was about to head back when a young familiar girl bumped into him and he dropped the camera.

The girl responsible of the 'accident' helped pick up the camera and gave it back to the man with a smile.

"Im so sorry sir- Wait! Mr. Wen is that you?"

"Oh, Milena? What brings you up this early? You remind me of Junhui" he chuckled.

"I was just helping out, my father owns the place so I like to help him when I get the chance, but what do you mean I remind you of Junhui? He gets up early too?" The girl asked curiously, pulling her phone out.

"Yeah he does, i don't know where he gets it from because this papa bear loves his sleep." He laughed and Milena chuckled.

The father inspected the camera and a smile formed on his face before he spoke. "The camera looks fine, so don't worry about it ."

"Ok. I'm sorry again."

The man nodded and walked off his way.

Junhui was still tired despite sleeping  all that time so he just layed there in bed. He had never slept like that before in his life, but maybe since he was sleeping with that other boy, he was too comfortable to get up.

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