15. The Terrible Idea

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"What is that?" Jeonghan questioned as he entered the living room. He was looking at a random painting that hung on the wall. "It looks like... a fish and a mosquito had a baby."

"So basically... it looks like Seungkwan." Woozi chimed in from the living room couch. Seungkwan's head almost immediately whipped around.


"What? Did I offend you?" Woozi looked over at him 'innocently'. Seungkwan made a face at him and growled but the other three in the room were trying to hold in their laughter. When they both ran out to chase eachother, Seokmin couldn't hold in his laugh any longer.

"Alright guys! Are you ready? This is going to be so much fun." Mingyu excitedly danced into the room. He was dressed for the occasion and ready to party. Wonwoo followed behind looking rather done with the world.


"No one asked you Dk." Mingyu rolled his eyes as he casually wrapped his arm around Wonwoo. Seokmin was lying on one of the two couches in the room with his phone in his hand which he took his eyes off of for a second to look at Mingyu.

"Uh, you just did, idiot." Seokmin retorted, returning his focus on his phone. Mingyu shook his head and suddenly picked Wonwoo up.

"Whatever. Let's go somewhere else baby, this room has sad, annoying people in it." He looked specifically at DK but he could honestly care less.

"Yeah, you guys have fun. Enjoy, your time with Mingyu, baby" Seokmin laughed a little, referring to what Mingyu called him. Wonwoo glared helplessly, mouthing the words 'I hate you' before he was taken out of the room by Mingyu.

Minghao and Junhui had been resting on the leather couch that stood it's ground in the living room. Minghao was sitting up, leaning back ever so slightly with Junhui laying his head on his lap. His eyes were closed due to the lack of sleep he had gotten the night before. They slept over a mutual friends house to help with the party decorations and such. The party was never envisioned to be thrown at any of their houses. With that being the case, since there were just under twenty boys under one roof, it was pretty much chaotic. It could have been a party with them at that number.

Minghao had been on his phone checking up with his mom and other family members when he noticed Junhui's relaxed face. It looked so at peace that he couldn't help but run his soft hand across Junhui's smooth skin. He gently touched Jun's face with such care, almost as if he was afraid to hurt him by applying too much pressure. Minghao analyzed all of Jun's features one by one. He took his time looking at each feature. From his hair, down to his resting eyes, around to his ear and then his jawline that lies right beneath. Over his nose that leads down to his pinkish-red, lustful lips. Minghao stared for awhile before leaning his head down himself to hover his mouth over Junhui's calm one. He finally placed a kiss on his lips, lingering it for a little before starting to pull away. Before he got too far, Junhui reached one of his arms that were at his sides and pulled Minghao back down. Minghao was alarmed at first but nevertheless he couldn't resist and continued to kiss the boy.

"You surprised me baby, you don't usually kiss me first." Junhui spoke between kisses. Minghao was really embarrassed so all he managed was a "mhmm."

Junhui sat up without breaking the slow kiss and pulled Minghao onto his lap. He let his hands roam around Minghao's small frame and made sure to get all of his weak spots. Minghao kept his hands in Jun's hair and occasionally let one of his hands trace around Junhui's chest. The kissing level intensified almost immediately after Minghao let out a soft moan. There lips locked together, leaving behind short clicking noises every once in a while.

"Uhhh... I'd like to keep my 20/20 vision intact. Thank you very much." Seokmin complained from the other side of the couch. Junhui let him know his opinion by giving him the finger as he continued to makeout with Minghao. Seokmin sighed as he stood up, mumbling to himself about how grossly cute they were being and that it was bothering him. (He really just said "Fuck you Junhui, this is what you get.") He picked up Minghao off of Junhui's lap and placed him on the other side of the room. Junhui glared at him very angrily. Minghao just awkwardly stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, this is for your own good. Look, Minghao's lips are extremely swollen. That doesn't look healthy." Seokmin crossed his arms.

"You're an idiot, don't talk to me anymore." Junhui got off the couch and left the room, not forgetting Minghao, leaving Seokmin standing alone. He rolled his eyes at Junhui and laughed a little, thinking back to what he had done.

"Yeah, I'm the idiot. He forgot his phone."


"Ready to party?!" Mingyu asked, receiving screams and whistles in exchange. "Yeah!!"

It had been a couple hours later. The sun being really low but not exactly gone. People were already getting crazy and doing questionable things.

They ended up sitting in a circle of spin the bottle and were ready to play.

"Okay who wants to spin first?" Hoshi asked raising an empty bottle in his hand. A few people raised their drinks as to say yes but someone had already snatched the bottle into their hands.

"I'll start." Jisu stated finding a seat in the oval looking circle...?

"Ok I guess." Hoshi sat back down. Junhui glared in the direction of Jisu, just now realizing he was there too.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm spinning now." Jisu replied, really not listening or caring about what Junhui said. He placed the bottle down in the center  and spun it. Everyone waited in silence, making comments and guesses here and there about who it would land on. After a good 30 seconds it began to slow it's pace before it finally stopped and pointed to Minghao.

"You're coming with me, little one." Jisu smirked.

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