Chapter 18

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Elijah sat down with his son daily endeavoring to get him to talk more about what had happened with him and after about a week Elijah achieved success for the most part. Henrik Finn was talking again, he and Albee had sat down and talked over coffee, he had called Joey and Boswell, but he had not yet spoken to his mother about all he had done, especially tossing deadly dragon fire at Elijah. Henrik Finn also avoided the nursery for the most part, fearful that his mood would adversely impact the twins. Elijah had sent Ian Alexander, Gabriela and Calliope down to Manhattan to stay with Astrid, Beatrix and Darius at the penthouse. Elijah did not know how Henrik Finn's mood would impact his siblings and he was not about to take any chances.

Elijah and Henrik Finn sat in Elijah's study as Elijah broached the subject of Henrik Finn's avoidance of the nursery and his children. Elijah poured himself a bourbon and made one for Henrik Finn. Henrik Finn commented that Elijah would never allow him to drink bourbon, and when he would challenge his father on the subject, that Elijah would say simply, "Don't worry son, my liver can take it but yours cannot." But now that Henrik Finn was a vampire, he changed his position, "Now yours can, too," said Elijah as he handed Henrik Finn the glass, "and it makes managing the blood lust easier."

Elijah added that it also helps to make difficult conversations easier, such as Henrik Finn's avoidance of the nursery and minimal contact with the twins. Elijah told him that he should be in the nursery when Angelica is feeding the twins, it bonds the children to him as their father. Elijah asked him if he was uncomfortable being near his mother when she is breastfeeding since she is slightly but discretely exposed during the process.

Elijah and Henrik Finn spoke at length about all that had happened, all that Henrik Finn had experienced, how close Henrik Finn came to losing everything. Henrik Finn revealed to his father that he had been drinking bourbon for years now, he could see what Elijah liked about the beverage. Elijah commented that he was sure there were other things Henrik Finn kept secret from his parents, that was normal.

Henrik Finn took a long sip of his bourbon as he grinned, then blushed a little. "Dad, I have got to come clean about some things to you. I am not sure if I can ever tell Mom this but maybe it can stay between the two of us." Elijah looked at his son and sat down in the chair across from him. "What is it son, you can tell me anything, you know that." Henrik Finn took a deep breath, "Please remember that you just said that." Elijah looked at him slightly perplexed and very intrigued. "I'm not embarrassed to be in the room when Mom is feeding the twins. Even though you used to keep me out of the nursery when she was feeding the other kids out of modesty, but I have seen Mom before."

Elijah sat up straighter in his chair bracing himself for what was going to come next. Henrik Finn continued, "One of the side effects of being, well, being me, is memory. I remember so much from when I was a baby, including being breast fed by her and then held by you or Auntie Bex. The emotional connection between Mom and me during feeding is hard to describe. It was almost spiritual. I remember Mom feeding me and tears streaming down her face from the emotion, from her love. I remember you kissing her on her head or the side of her face to comfort her. I remember tears running down your face as you held me. It was pure .. love."

Elijah put his hand on his son's knee, "You remember that?" Henrik Finn nodded, then continued, "I have known from the first day I was born that you and Mom love me deeply. But as I was growing up I was also fascinated by your intense love of each other. The connection between you two is out of this world. I can see it, I don't know if you know that. I see it as your auras reach out for each other when you are in proximity to each other, I see it as your auras change when you are away from each other, communicating a loneliness and a longing for each other, it is crazy cool. But when you touch, it is absolutely amazing how your auras dance with each other. I have never seen that with any other couple, not even with Savannah and me, not even with Uncle Kol and Aunt Davina. Your love for each other is ... epic, like cosmic epic." Elijah thought for a moment, then asked, "Why would you not want your Mom to know this?" Henrik Finn dropped his head down slightly then told his father, "I haven't gotten to the awkward part yet."

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