Chapter 1: the party

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Do know that moment in your life, where you wish you could be anywhere you are then where you are right now?

Yeah well that's my predicament right now. You see right now I wish I could rewind time back to being in my room ten minutes ago. Instead of outside the school bad boys house.

You see ten minutes ago I I had everything set for the first day of my senior year tomorrow . How I'm getting to school, what I'm going to wear, and what time I'm waking up. But what I didn't plan on was having our school bad boy, Nathan Summons, to throw a huge "back to school party".

Let's talk about Nathan Summons. First things first I hate him. He thinks he could get away with everything,

because of his looks . He's very handsome. He has sand colored blonde hair and the most gorgeous  green eyes I could get lost in for years. Amazing sun kissed  tan skin that go perfect with his hair and his face is perfectly . On top of all that he is from spain so he has a strong spanish accent.So obivioulsy he has looks like a hollister male model.Which brings me back to the point of hating him.

He uses his gorgeous looks to get into girls pants. He takes you on a date.Tells you "your the only girl I have eyes for" or "I only see you" and my favorite, "I love you" and bam! You got yourself a one night stand. The next day he acts like he doesn't know you. Me and my friends call it the hump and dump. 

So basically he is a jerk. Who obviously has terrible judgement and no conscience.

Who even throws a back to school party? Aren't you supposed to getting rest before the first day of school? This is another reason I hate the popular kids. Their logic makes no sense.

Normally I would just go to my best friend, Clair's house and sleepover but tomorrow we have school. More importantly the first day of school. Hence why I need to stay at my house.

I tried to just go to sleep but tonight the music is to loud for me to fall asleep. Trust me I've tried everything and nothing has worked.

So that's why I am currently outside Nathan's house. We live in the richer part in Santa Monica, California. So his house is pretty massive. It is a three story tan mansion, with a brown gate and four car garage. Though right now it looks like the house from Project x.

There are people everywhere. As I stepped into his house the smell of alcohol hit my noes so hard I almost fell over. There are so many people I feel like I'm in grand central station. How kids are acting I feel as if I should be covering my eyes like I do when a kissing part happens in a movie.

Yes I still do that.

As I walk through trying to find Nathan, I seriously regret coming in my adventure time pajamas. Walking through the dance floor is almost impossible.People are dancing so close to each other you'd think it was one person. That's not even the worst thing, people are practically eating each other's faces.

There goes my virgin eyes.

Finally after walking in countless directions for ten minutes, I finally find the person I'm looking for. As I see his face, it's no surprise he has the school whore, Amy Blue hanging onto him like her life depends on it.

She looks like an ugly version to Megan Fox, and what she is wearing a neon yellow mini skirt that is so short it looks like underwear. Then a purple off the shoulder top that stops at her belly button and dipped at her cleavage with white stilettos.

On the other hand Nathan looks handsome as usual. He is wearing black skinny jeans and a white shirt and his signature leather jacket,with black vans.

As if he could sense my presents, his eyes snap up and lock with mine. I can feel heat creep up my neck when I realize that not only his attention is on me but his four best friends as well, Danny Redd,Charlie Trimston,and the twins Erik and Ethan Powers.

Danny has messy black hair with blue eyes and a like Nathan a sun kissed tan.Charlie has brown hair and amazing brown eyes. Reik and Ethan have brown hair and blue eyes.The best part is the all play soccer. Nathan being captian gives him another chance to get girls.

It takes me a minute to realize that I am staring and I feel the heat increase on my neck. Deciding now is the best time to ask him to lower the music, I clear my throat.

"Hi, I'm your neighbor I live to your left and I wanted to know if you could turn down your music please"

I silently praised myself for not stuttering, but that quickly ended when he and all his friends began to laugh at me.

"I'm sorry what did you just ask, because I could have sworn that you asked me to turn down my music"he said between laughs.

"That's because I did" i explained

"Well great joke, but no.Bye" he said and turned back to Amy,who was watching this play out with a smirk on her face.

I just stood there mouth agape. Then I begin again "but we have school tomorrow-" I was then cut off by Amy saying, "get out of here you whore he said no. You don't belong here go away. You are such a slut."

At this I laughed. Very hard to the point where I had tears poring out my eyes and looked as if I was having a seizure.

This only confused Amy. So she said "what are you laughing at bitch." After I sobered up in my mind I was telling her off "look who's talking, your outfit leaves nothing to the imagination and your shoes are to high to walk in. I feel like your going to fall over on your back,but your probably comfortable on your back because if certain experiences.People randomly started laught and I had no idea why.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY" did I say that out loud?


"Okay that's my cue to leave bye thanks for nothing!" 

Spinning on my feet I am thankful for doing dance all these year so i could move fast. As soon as iI was out of Nathan's house I slowwe down but all I could think of was there goes my  senior year.

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