Sometimes people deserve a kick to the shin

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Hey guys! I know it has been a long time, but I have some family stuff I have been going through. It is okay now so here is a update. Sorry the last one was short, I wrote it on the bus. Also I am editing this book when its done so please don't kill me if there are some mistakes. Also I changed her outfit to the one above hope no one get confused!

So without futher ado here is chapter three :)

Some people deserve a kick to the shin

There are many reasons why people say that your senior year is the most important. For some people it's there last year to get crazy before they have to simmer down and go to college. For others it is the last time they will see any friends or get to be on a sports team.None of these things aply to me because all through my high school years I have only ever had on friend named Clair. It is not that nobody wants to be friends with me, because they do. But when your parents expect you to mantain a 5.8 gpa and take care of your little brother, and cook and clean your entire house, you don't have time for that. Since I do not have time for anything I ussually make myself invisable to keep from having to deal with people.

So you can imagine my surprise when Danny Redd was calling my name on the first day of school at considering I don't really talk to anyone.

" You are friends with that blonde chick right?"
"Yeah her!"
He kind of just looked at me for a couple of seconds and to be honest it was getting kind of creepy...

"So I'm just gunna go now..."

Walking away slowly, I started my way to the office to get my schedule. On the way there I see kids that I have known since the first grade or used to be friends with and watch how they don't say hi. Now I know that some people say "well you could say hi too" but I have done that already. They just look away like I'm not talking to them. Finally reaching the office I can hear distant yelling.

The principals office door opens and out storms the notorious Nathan Summos and as he walks I can help but check him out. Today he is sporting a pair of black skinny jeans that are not to tight but not to lose. His hair is styled in a quiff, he is wearing a tight V- neck that highlights his eight pack and black leather boots. To top his outfit off he is wearing his signature leather jacket. Now the thing about the jacket is its a group thing. If they give you a jacket you are automatically popular they accept you and you're friends for life.

"I know I'm attractive but please take a picture and wipe your drool before it lands on my shoes."

Snapping my head up I realize that Nathan is right in front of me, standing at his full hight of 6'2. I feel really short at 5'7. Realizing he is talking to me I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

"I know I take you breath away but please have some decency. Hey weren't you that girl that crashed my party yesterday?"

Nodding my head slowly because I don't trust myself to talk. Still with my mouth open. Close your mouth I think to myself but nothing happens.

"Maybe next time show up with less clothes and when I'm alone and we can have some fun, if you know what I mean."

Hearing the bell ring above of startled me, but my mouth stands open.

"Well as you can see I have places to be and better people to talk to, and next time close your mouth otherwise I'll mistake your offer."

Turning around and walking away from me I realize that I am now late to my first hour and have yet to get my schedule. Finally closing my mouth I go to the secretary and tell her my name and grade. I take a quick look at my schedule.

Ap Physics
Ap Trigonometry
Ap English 5
Ap World History
Ap Chemistry
Ap Debate 6
Ap Spanish 4

This year is going to be tough, I think to myself on the way to my first hour now five minutes late. Let's hope no one messes with me, but you know what they say; Some people deserve a kick to the shin.

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