Part Two

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Your POV

I look at her hand a little longer before grabbing it. I shake her hand as I look back up at her.
Me: "I accept." She smiles before holding her left hand out. A chess piece manifests onto her hand. I could tell it was a pawn piece. She pushes it into my chest as I feel my hunger for power go down. It felt like someone put a lock onto it. I gasp as the outlines of their powers goes away. I look at all of them before holding my head. I then start hearing voices, like like they were speaking to each other.
???: 'Did it work?'
Rias: 'Yes it did, he probably can hear us now.' I shake my head before looking up at them.
Me: "How many am I?"
Rias: "All of them." I smirk a bit at this before looking around.
Me: "So uh, could you dispel the barrier now? And could I return to class."
Rias: "Of course."

Timeskip, Your POV

As I was sitting by myself at lunch, I started hearing them again. 'Why did you join her? You could've taken her power.' 'And what would that accomplish me? Only enemies from the supernatural world. But don't worry, I have a plan.' I look around as the female voice and the darker male voice bicker about my choice. The other voice was awfully quiet. I look around as I was finishing (F/F) and saw that pervert again. This made the two stop bickering. He was, in my old timeline, my father's friend. 'He has the same power like in our old universe.' 'Take it, we can grow stronger with it.' 'Correction, only I would since you two are in your full power since there is no other sacred gears like you two.' I grab my stuff and grab my book out of it. I notice that my book mark wasn't in it. 'Are you fucking kidding me?' I growl before angrily shoving the book back into my bag. I sigh frustrating before leaning back in my chair. 'Since I took up her pawns, should I kill him before.... mother Raynare kills him?' 'She is not your stepmother in this timeline.' 'I know but it's hard to think that she isn't.' 'Then purge her from here to rid yourself of this grief.' 'You are very different from how I remember you.' '*chuckles* That's because your father wasn't halfblood like you. Your natural hunger changed the way I am. It even affected Tunno because of your holy side.' 'So I am naturally resistant to light spears and holy weapons/objects?' 'Yes you are.' I look back to Issei. 'Hmm... he is going to be targeted for his gear. Even if it is incomplete.' 'Then spare his misery and take the gear for yourself.' 'My father considered him a brother, I don't think I could kill him.' 'Your father killed him, so why can't you?' '.....' I clench my fist angrily. 'It would spare him the pain if you killed him quickly and just took his power.' 'Fine. I will kill him after school.' I watch as he was laughing at his friends. The bell rings and I get up and return to class.

Timeskip, Your POV

I leaned on a wall and watched Issei leave the school alone. 'Now is my chance.' I step off the wall and followed Issei. My hands were in my pockets as I followed him. This was my usual route anyway so it wasn't unusual for him to see me. I continue to walk behind him, slowly catching up to him. 'Hopefully this doesn't get noticed.' 'That would be bad... for whoever sees you.' He walks onto the bridge over the highway. 'Perfect.' Then suddenly a girl is in front of him. 'No...' 'Its too late.' I hide behind a bush and use my fallen angel heading to listen in. 'Unlucky idiot..' I wait a while before the girl runs past me. She saw me and her eyes widen in surprise, but she runs past. I sigh before looking out onto the bridge and see Issei running home. 'Lovely.' I look back to no longer see Raynare. 'And I just got noticed.' I sigh and walk across the bridge as a flashback plays in my head.

Flashback, Your POV

I was getting carried by my father.
Me: "Hey Dad, why does mommy Rias and mommy Sona hate mommy Raynare?" He sighs before looking at me.
Father: "She tried to kill one of the devils that they knew. And she killed one of Rias' peerage so they resent her for it."
Me: "But can't they make up." I chuckle on the inside at my innocent nature.
Father: "It can't be fixed that easily."

Flashback end, Your POV

I look up to see that I am home. Well more like foster home because I was abandoned at birth. I sigh and walk up the stairs to the door. I grab my key and unlock the door. I walk in and close the door behind me.
Me: "Richard, I'm home." This is when a younger boy runs down the stairs.
Me: "Hey Davy, where's your dad?"
Davy: "He's in the kitchen."
Me: "And your mom?"
Davy: "Still at work." I ruffle his hair.
Me: "Thanks kiddo." He swats my hand away as I chuckle. I stand back up and walk into the kitchen. I see Richard doing some paperwork at the table.
Me: "Hey Richard." He looks up to me. He looked oddly familiar from my pat life.
Richard: "Hey (Y/N), how was school."
Me: "Could be better."
Richard: "Well, I ordered pizza so it should be here soon." I nod and set my stuff onto a chair. He goes back to doing his paper work. I walk back into the living room and grab a book off the book case. I read the title before walking over to the couch and sitting down. I open the book and begin reading.

Timeskip, Your POV

I hear someone knock on the door.
Richard: "Hey you're no-." He gets cut off as he gurgles on something. I drop my book and see that a spear of light was through his chest. His body falls to the ground as a man in a trench coat was standing there. I could tell he was a fallen angel.
Fallen angel: "There you are." I stand as anger was filling my mind. I feel the gauntlet appear on my right hand.
Fallen angel: "Hmm I was only told that you were a mix of all three's blood now so this is interesting." I growl as a black aura surrounds me.
Fallen angel: "Ooh the mixedblood has fangs." He creates a light sword in his right hand and raises it into a stance. I feel a handle in my hand so I instinctively raise my hands into a stance as a sword forms in my hands.

(If you want to visualize what stance it is, think of Obiwan's in Revenge of the Sith.)

I watch him as he watches me. He rushes forward at me, slashing down. I parry his blade and slice his thigh as he slides past me. I get back into my stance as he runs at me again. I parry his blade and slice his right wrist to his shoulder. He grunts in pain before turning and slashing again. I block the sword and pushed the blade to him. He staggers back a little due to his injury on his thigh. I pick my right foot up and kick down onto his knee. I hear a satisfying snap as he falls to the ground. I stomp on the hand holding sword, hearing more cracking. I feel the hunger rising up as my black aura radiates off me. He spits out blood as I point my sword at him.
Me: "Who sent you?" I already knew the answer, but I had to be sure.
Fallen angel: "Like I would tell a mixed blood like you." I move the tip of my sword to his elbow and striking it forward. It slides in between his bones as he yells in pain. I twist the sword, breaking the joint keeping the bones together. I pull the blood coated tip out and flick his blood onto his face.
Me: "Tell me who sent you and I will make your death quick."
Fallen angel: "H-her name is R-Raynare."
Me: "Thank you for this information." I raise the tip of my sword at him. I pull my arm back as I get a sudden rise in my hunger. I drop the sword, causing it to dissipate. I feel the dark gauntlet appear on my left arm and go up to my elbow. I look back to the fallen angel. He looked at me sacred for he heard of the tales of a halfblood of a fallen angel and an angel. I put on a crazed smile and walk closer to him. He tries to back up but he couldn't get far. I step on his left foot, stopping him. I lower down to him and grab his thigh. I look back up at him as I yank him closer to me. I grab his chin as he looks at me with fear.
Me: "What's the matter, you look like you've seen a monster." I start to laugh crazily before looking back to him. I lick my lips at wondering what he would taste like. He starts to whimper as my teeth elongate. I smile at him before grabbing his shoulders. I dart my head forward and start to munch down on him. His screams of pain were quickly distinguished. I start to devour his body, feeling his magic enter my body. It takes a while but I finish eating his body. I used magic to keep it from disintegrating into feathers. I look around as my bloodlust disappears.
Me: "This place is a mess."

A/N: And that's what happens when you piss of a halfblood, well mixed blood now since you are a devil. But anyway, do you guys want to devour Issei? Or do you want to let Raynare kill him then take his powers? Let me know. Also your harem will be posted sometime today or tomorrow. Anyway as always...

The Fan out

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