Chapter 4

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The next day went about as planned. I woke up on time, 7 am, and went to school. Only a month to go in this death hole! I arranged my schedule so that I have last period gym, and I get excused early to go to the gym. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. 

As I arrived at the gym I instantly noticed his presence. Ash's presence. I panicked. What do I do? I can't turn around and leave!  I decided to play it cool and just gave a wave when I walked by on my way to the changing room, but he had other plans. I felt his strangely comforting arms wrap around my shoulder. "Where ya going so fast, sweetie?" Why was it that his voice made my heart stop? I couldn't possibly like this arrogant jerk... could I? "...just to change..." I muttered softly "I liked you better when you were fiery." He pouted. "Oh darling, I'm so sorry you missed my attitude. Join the line of people waiting for me to give a flying potato." I retorted. He let go of me in shock, and before anything more could happen I stalked off the the locker rooms. I decided to take a shower before my session today because everyone knows that the best thoughts come while you're in the shower. I was right. Suddenly I realized EXACTLY what I should do about Ash: nothing. If I just stay myself, he seems attracted enough. And i'll decide sooner or later if I like him. Good enough plan for me! Feeling refreshed, I step out onto the bar. I know he is watching me but I have no inhibitions. Step, step, twirl. The tension in the room grows as I realize, this is the first time he's seen me on beam. Beam is the area he's supposed to be helping me in. As soon as I'm done, he calls out: "Well, my princess, do you even need help? I don't know if there's anything I can do to keep you focused, and you have the skill!" His comment makes me blush. I can't help but thinking, though, I know how to help me focus. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!  I holler back up the stands (why did he sit at the top?) "You're not looking bad yourself!" And he, being the cocky guy he is, yelled back at me "Think I didn't know that?!?" This is going to be a long, fun, entertaining season of gymnastics.  

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