On August 12, 1970 I was born, in a small town in Southern Ontario. The town was founded by my great uncle Aresen Emery. He named it Emeryville. I lived on Emery drive, right down the street from The Emeryville Grade School, Church and Cemetery.
The small town didn't have a hospital so I got delivered atHotel Dieu Hospital in Windsor Ontario. I was excited to come into the world and I came early, about a month. At 3lbs 8oz I was very small and had to be incubated until I was strong enough to come home.
My father Remi Emery (French, Cherokee Indian) was born in Union Lake, Michigan. My Grand father and Grand Mother came to Emeryville in the early 50ities where with my Grand Father settled down and had five boys and a girl.(Dennis, Gary, Remi, Ronnie, Julie, and Renea). IPHOTO
My Mother Linda Vavasour Emery (Lebanese, Irish) was born In St Johns Newfoundland. My Grandpa, Grandma opened up the first ice cream shop in St Johns. They moved away from Newfoundland and moved to Windsor Ontario with 4 children (Linda, Babes, Regina,and Louie (uncle Sonny). INSERT PHOTOGerard, Pam, and Matt, My Brothers and Sister. Playmates for life cause when your the baby your always gonna be younger. I talk more about these fine people through out the book. For every time I mention
Matt take a shot or drink Grapefruit juice so you can feel my pain. Look at those incisors, like a demon.