Chapter 20 star crossed (part two)

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Scarlett's POV

After I have taken my shower and changed into my pajamas which consisted of a black tang top and yoga pants.hey don't judge me yoga pants are comfy! I ran my fingers through my still damp hair and let out a tired yawn. I went to open the door and seen my mum about to knock on the door.

"Hey mum" I smiled tiredly as she went to pull me into a tight hug. I hugged her back as she went to place a kiss gently in my hair.

"May I come in?" She asked me in a whisper.

"Of course you don't have to ask" I smiled pulling out of the hug and walked over to my bed as my mother followed me. I went to sit down on my bed Indian style as she sat next to me.

"So this boy....." She started off as I let out a small sigh knowing where this conversation was going.

"Mum we are just friends" I sighed going to grab one of my pillows placing it on my lap.

"Really just friends hu?" She smiled slightly as I just let out a tired sigh.

Okay maybe I did like dameon more then a friend,but I just....I don't mind is all over the place right now.

"Okay....fine maybe I do like dameon a little bit,but....." I finally admitted it as my mother went to place her hand on my cheek gently.

"baby girl just go with what your heart tells you" she smiled going to place a kiss on my forehead. I sat there as I listened to what my mother had just told me my heart tells me to

Like him,but I just......


why does love have to be so complicated!

Dameons POV

I paced back and forth in my room I really do like Scarlett....ALOT. I just don't know if she likes me just as a friend or more then a friend like I do. Her smile oh it melts my heart and her eyes are so gorgeous I can stare into them for hours on end....and her laugh....


I just slapped myself in the face....hard "oww..." I sighed now rubbing my cheek with my hand. God I need help.....I can't get my hopes up to high. I have to.....

"Dameon..." Oh god it was her what do I do what do I do. I started to panic as I turned my attention towards Scarlett who was now standing at the doorway of my room.

"I....Scarlett what are you doing in here....I thought you'd be in bed asleep" I smiled nervously as she walked over towards me slowly.

"I just....I can't sleep can" She asked me looking straight into my eyes with a half smile.

"Yeah....yeah of course" I smiled going to clear my throat as I went to sit down on the foot of my bed as she now sat next to me. "So what do you want to talk about?" I asked her she seemed kind of tense so I went to place my hand over hers gently which made her look up at me.

"I...I was just wondering if you" she stuttered as I narrowed my eyes at her a bit not getting what she was trying to ask me.

"If I what?"

"If you like me more then just a friend" she said letting out an awkward cough and looked own at her lap. My eyes grew wide when she said this.

"Oh Scarlett I feel the exact same way" I smiled happily letting out a small laugh going to place my hand on her cheek gently.

"Really you do?" Scarlett asked me now with a wide grin placed on her face. I just shook my head yes as I found myself leaning in closer to her.

Before I knew it both our lips met and it was the most amazing feeling in the world I couldn't describe it. I could of sworn that this was all a dream,but it wasn't her lips were soft and warm just as I imagined them to be. I knew this was going to be a start of something beautiful.

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