I Was Adopted By A Rich Guy And His Son Ch. 7

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I went straight into my room to change. I went into the dresser and found some regular pants and a shirt that say,"Love, Peace, Skeet, and Cheese. I went to the bathroom, shower, and do all I do in the morning. Walking out and throwing my clothes on my bed, I decided to do a little house looking.

Walking out my room, I started down the hallway and up the hall. I found a couple of bathrooms, Ian's room which I got kick out of, an art room, and Sebastian's room. I look around the house some more to find a music room, a game room, and a couple of guest rooms too. I went downstairs and into the

living room. I saw Sebastian sitting there doing some work." Hello." I said. He looks up and smile." Hey Valentine. Anything I can do." he said." I don’t know I'm just bored is all." I said before sitting next to him." You can do your clothes shopping if you want too." Sebastian suggested." Never been shopping

in a long time." I said sadden." Also I have no money too." i said. Sebastian pulls out his wallet and pulls out 500 dollars." This is probably all you need, but if you run out of money then you can come back for some more." he said handing it to me." Thank you so much." i said hugging him." But wait,

how I am going to get there I don’t even know how to drive yet." I said." Well, I can have Ian drive you after what had happen." Sebastian said as he call Ian down. He ran down the stairs putting his phone up." What ?" he said walking in." Take Valentine to the mall." Sebastian." What! Why." he

argue back." Did I stutter?" Sebastian plays back." Take her to the mall." Sebastian said. He groans and got the keys." Lets go, but we got to make a quick stop." he said walking out the door. I hug Sebastian and ran out the door. We got to the car and he drove off.

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