Working The Pole at Hooters {CG} {SC} - H20Vanoss/slight VanCat - Part 1(?)

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Evan x Delirious
Bottom Evan! You know the drill!
Play music when told to!

"OI, EVAN!!" An odd man with an Irish accent called out, jarring said man from his blissful sleep on the red plush sofa, a bit of drool on the corner of his mouth. "WhaaaaaaAaaaat David?" The Canasian man groggily asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes as golden coloured orbs flickered about the room he was in. "Get off ye lazy ass and help me clean this place up." The Irishman demanded, shoving a broom and dust pan in his face. "Course." Evan answered with a roll of his eyes as he took the tools from David and started cleaning, remembering why he was there.

He practically lived at Hooters, the decent sized popular joint in LA that was a strip club and very exclusive, strictly made for rich people looking to throw some cash and get wasted. Since Evan usually crashed on the sofas in the main lobby, the rent he had to pay was help cleaning up after last night's rush hour, and tending to the bar as a bartender every night.

Evan sighed deeply, glancing outside the set of double doors as he swept the floors, finding all sorts of junk, including a pair of lacy panties shoved under a stool. He gagged and used the end of his broom to pick it up and throw it in the trash. "Ugh, some people can be such pigs.." Evan grumbled with disgust as he continued working at cleaning the floors. "Whatcha got against pigs Evan, huh?" Someone from the main lobby door entrance asked as Evan glanced over to the tall male. "Pigs that talk, that's what, Tyyyyylerrr." The Canasian man dragged his friends name out, his voice dripping with sarcasm as his friend laughed.

"So, what brings you to this dumpy joint that is Hooters?" Evan asked, earning himself a snort from Tyler as he leaned on one of the tables. "David told me to come help you clean up." Tyler answered. "Some help you're being." Evan rolled his eyes, making the pig laugh. "Hey, I'm being your moral support." Tyler defended. "Well, you need to do a better job at it!" Evan whacked Tyler on the head playfully with the end of the broom stick, leaving a few straws in the taller male's hair. "You didn't." Tyler said with a serious tone. "Oh yes I did!" Evan exclaimed as Tyler lunged for him, but he ducked out of the way as Tyler collided with a tall bunch of empty cardboard boxes that used to have bottles in them. "Oops." Tyler laughed as he emerged from the pile of boxes, making Evan laugh as well as they continued to run around the whole establishment yelling and laughing, the broom being long since forgotten by the duo.

Well, it was forgotten until David walked in on the two, and they both stopped to look at him like two deers caught in headlights. "Oh.... heeeeeeey David." Evan waved sheepishly. "Tyler, you were supposed t' help Evan clean the mess, not make a bigger one." David gritted his teeth, his Irish accent more obvious when he's angry. "Hey, Evan started it by whacking me over the head with a broom!" Tyler pointed accusingly at Evan, who shot him a glare and stuck his tongue out at him. "You children are supposed to clean, now if the boxes aren't taken out to the recycling and this place isn't clean when I get back an hour before rush hour starts, I'll kill you both." David angrily said, before turning on his heel and storming out. "Well, we can get that done in.... HOLY SH*T TYLER!!" Evan yelled in alarm as he looked at the time...

5:32 PM

"We only have 1 hour and a half! And I haven't even gotten to cleaning and reorganizing the bar area!! And we haven't even set down the stools yet!" Evan panicked, rushing with the broom as Tyler quickly ran back and forth from the back alley way to grow out the boxes, they ran into each other a couple times as they ran around in a panic. Evan quickly took down the stools from the tables and set them on the floor two at a time, after he finished he ran to the bar area to clean the glasses in the kitchen, drying them all as fast as he washed them. Tyler swept the floor to finish Evan's initial job for the day.

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