Chapter three

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Chapter three:

With each step my heart rate doubles. I softly knock on the Cabello's family home. I stood there for what seemed like minutes, caused my anxiety to increase. Finally Camila opens the door whilst talking to her mother until she finally turns to look at me.

"I know if you just put them over there you can....." She halts her sentence and stares.

"Hi" I speak up

Camila's POV:

She's standing in front of me.


I don't know whether I should be angry or overwhelmed. Apart of me wants to slam the door and carry on like she was never there but then I also want to wrap my arms around her neck and bring her close to my body. The effect she has on me is uncanny. She has literally beguiled me in every way possible by just coming over unexpected like this. Maybe she wants to see me. Maybe she's happy that I'm here and wants to spend time with me. I need to say something but what? Do I act mad or happy?

"Lauren" I squeak.

"Sorry are you busy? I can come again... I did text?"

"What" I check my phone. *shit she did* "oh.. Um do you want to come in? We've just finished breakfast and my mum would love to see you again after all this time" I question hoping she accepts.

"That was my plan if I'm honest" she laughs.

What? She wants to come in and planned to do so. Even after yesterday's banter I still feel like a kid whenever I see her no matter how rare her appearances are. That's it I can't can't bear the space between us and reach my arms to her body and embrace her into me. It takes her a few moments for her to recuperate the hug but when she does I feel myself melt into her more. The warmth of her body heat passing into me and it makes my heart hurt. We stand there in silence, taking in each other's scent when I feel her nuzzle against my neck. This is a something I'm very familiar with. I can tell she has been yearning for this and so have I. Her touch is my remedy and this is the best release. It must have been about 10 minutes now. Just us tightly in each others arms as we slowly start to sway side to side, I pull my head back to look into those green emerald eyes and smile. I feel her rub my back up and down with her hand so I see that as a sign to run my fingers through her hair.

"I'm suppose to be mad at you" I giggle.

"Well I'm glad your not" she giggles back. "I've missed you and i needed to see you" she says as her face starts to set.

"It's my fault I should have told you I was in town before I just popped up like that"

"No I over reacted. I was just surprised" she says and I hear the sincerity in her voice.

I take her hand in my own and pull her inside.

// "hey babe" Lauren says.

"Hi" I say as I peck her on the cheek. "You prepared" I lift one eyebrow up.

"Course! Sorta.... Actually I'm freaking out" she admits. This is the first time Lauren is going to meet my parents. We've been seeing each other for a couple of months now so I think it's about time. As we stand in the hall way my mum comes out from the kitchen and introduces herself. Watching their interactions make my heart flutter. I watch Lauren as her tension gently starts to ease. She's more relaxed as the evening goes on. I'm watching her all goggled eyed but I can't help it. She's perfect.

As the evening draws to an end my parents have insisted that Lauren comes over next week. The night was filled with laughter and chatter. After tonight it has come clear to me that I am falling. //

"How long have you been in town?" She asks as we set ourselves down in the living room couch.

"Only 3 days. I came down for a bit while Dinah sorts out the new apartment. Apparently I'm too clumsy and distracting!" I giggle.

"Camz.... You've always been clumsy"

Hearing her say my nickname in so long fills me up. "Shut up!" I wink.

I feel her try to reach for my hand but keeps pulling back every time she gets close. In the end the next time she attempts to touch my hand I reach mine forward and intwine my fingers with hers. This makes her jump.

I smile.

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