4. Just My Luck

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        It was very crowded and smelled a bit funky for my taste, but I hadn’t been out in a while and honestly it was a breath of fresh air, well not necessarily fresh. Most of the people here were dressed in loose t shirts and really tight jeans but almost everything was ripped and tattered in some place or other and left me feeling strangely over dressed in my non torn t shirt and jeans.  I was however  grateful that I decided to go with a black long sleeve v neck and faded jeans and my trusty black converse that in fact are a bit tattered. I let my hair down, and the slightly disheveled brown waves that went past my shoulders seem to fit in. It seemed like the live band was coming up, there were people setting up instruments and speakers on the small stage. Linzee was pulling us closer to the stage “Oh, I see Eric! How do I look?”

        “You look great!” and she really did look good. She had bought a black sequenced sleeveless blouse from our store and some dark jeans with cute black combat boots that folded over at the top. The whole outfit made her strawberry curls seem more alive.

        “And I know I look good!” Chad praised himself, with his tight white v neck and dark skinny jeans and his non prescribed hipster glasses, “So, let’s go find some potentials” he snapped his fingers.

         We moved our way through the crowd to the front of the stage and closer to Eric and his group of friends. I was watching the people setting up the stage and found myself thinking of Jude. I used to watch him tune his guitar making sure it sounded perfect. I loved the face he would make when inspiration hit him and he would pull out a tiny black worn out notebook that was forever in his back pocket and write down whatever lyrics or sound that was going through his mind. The way his eyebrows would cinch together from deep concentration and the way his hair would fall over his face and he would whip his head to the side to try and put it back in place. I missed the sound of his voice.

        “Earth to Ava!” Linzees voice pulled me out of my heart wrenching reverie.

        “Yeah, sorry. What’s up.” I said trying to snap out of it.

        “This is Eric.” She said, and I now noticed we were standing next to the group we were stalkishly gravitating towards. He greeted me with a ‘hey’ and a head nod. I smiled and ‘hey’ed back. “And this is”, my heart stopped when I saw a head of blond hair and an almost familiar smile, but it started back up again when my eyes met the strangers baby blue ones ,”Niall. He’s in the band that is about to play!” She squealed and her eyebrows darted up and down at me.

        Niall walked forward and stretched out a hand to me and I shook it “Very nice to meet you, Ava.  You have a gorgeous name, very fitting for a gorgeous girl.” He said confidently. It took me completely off guard.

        “I, uhm, thank you. You too.” I stammered “not like you’re a gorgeous girl, but like handsome boy. Not boy, you’re not a boy. Well, you are a boy like genetically, but not like a little boy. Wow, ok, I should just stop talking now!” I said finally and was completely embarrassed by my incoherent rambling. I probably just insulted this guy, but I was too afraid to look up at his face. Instead I heard laughter and decided to take my chances looking up, and he indeed was laughing, probably at my stupidity.

        “You are cute, Ava. Very charming.” He said most likely trying to less humiliate me since I did enough myself. “I wish I could stay to see what other cute things comes out that mouth, but we’re about to go on.” He then surprisingly took my hand and kissed the top of it swiftly and took off backstage, leaving me and my group of friends completely in shock. I looked to Linzee and Chad whose jaws were practically to the floor. Chad came to stand next to me and looked up searching for something.

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